Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Difference between a Statist and a Conservative

The title is just a tad bit misleading because there obviously isn't just one difference between two diametrically opposing ideas. Everything is different. The point however is not just a difference, but a fundamental reason why conservatives are grounded in fact and educated while liberal-progressive-statists are just brainwashed drones.

Liberal-progressive-statists are indoctrinated with the "compassionate" big government philosophy and then also indoctrinated with their view of conservatism. Conservatives are educated on conservative ideals and go to the statist propaganda sources and see the statist philosophy for what it is. Conservatives encourage each other to go read what liberals write and see it for what it is, not tell each other what they say and think.

Want one example out of millions? The media's portrayal of Rush Limbaugh as Satan, when anyone who actually listens to him instead of just believing what they are told, knows this is not true. Why? Because the statists know that any American with two brain cells to rub together who actually listens to a coherent argument from a conservative will be compelled to at a minimum, actually listen to what s/he has to say. The opposite cannot be said, because what the statists espouse is so fundamentally against founding American principles.

Another example? Me. For a long time I had been one of those relying on what was said in the media about conservatives. And while I was not a big believer in most of the leftist agenda, but they had sucked me into some of it. But then one day I decided to check out what was being said through their mouth, not someone else. It didn't take very long, especially after reading Mark Levin's book to find that not only did I agree with 99% of the principles, I passionately agreed. This was very enlightening compared to the half-hearted following of the typical leftist drone.

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