Friday, April 29, 2011

US Dollar Continues to Take a Dive

The dollar has hit yet another low of late. As of this writing, $1 is now worth:

0.67 Euros
0.95 Canadian dollars
0.91 Australian dollars

I could go on, but I won't. Suffice it to say that the US dollar is now worth the least of the major currencies. Even Switzerland's currency is worth more than the dollar now. "So what?" I hear you asking. "Why should I care? It doesn't affect me."


Have you noticed how those pesky gas prices just keep going up? Well a big part of that is due to the drop in the value of the dollar. (The rest can be laid at the feet of supply issues due to radical environmentalist people like Obama who block production at every step) . You see, oil is priced in dollars on the world market, and when the value of the dollar goes down, the price of oil (or anything else, for that matter) goes up. So the value of our currency dropping does affect you, me, and everybody else.

So, what then is causing this devaluation you may wonder. What else? The federal government. People do not want to hold dollar denominated assets because the spendaholics won't stop spending, and the federal reserve won't stop printing money. The more they print, the more dollars there are, the more worthless they become.

The solution? Stop spending. Stop printing worthless paper. Stop smothering energy production. Stop taxing and regulating the bejeezus out of people who produce products and services so the economy can recover for real. Then interest rates will rise, and not only will you actually get a better return on any savings you have, people will want to have dollar denominated assets again because they'll be getting a return on owning said assets instead of the next to 0% offered now.

It's all very simple, it's been proven, it's economics 101. Capitalism works, it's what produced the greatest nation on the face of the earth that produced the most goods and services for the most people. But somewhere along the line, we've gotten a bunch of people that have been infused by Marxist propaganda in positions of power and instead they do the opposite of what's needed to fix all this. They follow a Marxist-socialist ideology that punishes production, and success. It's just one big Death Spiral and we're all going down the drain with it.

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