Sunday, August 7, 2011

On the US Debt Downgrade

Looking at all the finger pointing going on right now, I almost have to laugh. Especially at those who blame the downgrade on not collecting even more taxes. Put very simply, for even the biggest airhead to understand, when was the last time Congress didn't spend every dime of tax revenue it received, and then about forty percent more on top of that?

Social security is the biggest example of this, hands down. The so-called "Trust Fund" is empty of money and full of IOUs (US Debt) that now have less than AAA rating on top of everything. Or how about the cutting Medicare by $500 billion? Did that go toward reform and putting the program into the black? No. It went to form an even bigger, unsustainable welfare program, "ObamaCare".

The government could raise taxes by 50% on everybody and Congress would still piss it all away and then need to borrow more on top of all that. The only way to get this fiscal mess turned around is to CUT SPENDING NOW. Not fake cuts that say we'll lower the increases in spending over ten years, real cuts.

The fault lies squarely on both Democrats and RINO Republicans that would not get behind -- and stand behind -- a serious proposal for cutting spending. (Read the S&P commentary and they mention the Paul Ryan budget by name as a plan that could have avoided all this). If RINOs had the testicular fortitude to stand up to Obama and Reid, and if Obama, Pelosi and Reid themselves weren't so irresponsible in their spending the last two and a half years, this wouldn't have happened.

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