Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Importance of a Philosophical Foundation

There's a saying that if you don't believe in something you'll fall for anything. As religion in the West declines, more and more people are left with nothing to believe in larger than themselves. This leaves a large void in life. And the need to fill that void can have disastrous results as a person searches for something, anything, perhaps not even knowing what s/he is doing.

Trust me as I can speak of this from experience. It is what leads many, otherwise independent thinking people into the trap of things like global warming (...climate change, whatever they're calling it this week...) and other things that prove ridiculous when thought about for any amount of time and applying common sense. But the need to be a part of something larger than yourself is a very big trait among human beings. And what could be bigger than "saving the planet"?

The decline of religion and people attending church or temple has also had an adverse effect on many communities in that people are no longer part of something other than their basic family structure. And even this is becoming more and more distant as people become more plugged into technology than people. This loss of community is felt when people fall on hard times, like in the most recent economic downturn. Before, churches and synagogues played very large roles in giving a helping hand for these people. People would willingly help out their fellows that needed a temporary hand up. Now however, the government has become the largest go to entity for this, and the hand up has become perpetual hand outs.

Government has come in to fill both of these roles, and for the Left, government is the new altar at which people are to pray. Government is all benevolent, can do no wrong, and (at least when they are in power) should be able to do anything it sees fit (in the name of the people of course). This is the stuff of which tyrannies are born.

For people like me, who are not particularly religious (I believe in a higher power but one that is non interventionist when it comes to humanity), that leaves philosophy to replace the hole that lack of organized religion leaves. And the Statists use this hole in belief to their maximum advtantage and press their propaganda on people who need something to believe in. Unfortunately in the propaganda mills that the public school system has become, if philosophy is taught, it is only one philosophy. That of the Statist and philosophies that praise big government and government power. Utopian ideas of Plato's Republic, More's Utopia, and Marx's Communist Manifesto are what rule the day in our schools now. Rather than the individual freedom and liberty ideals of the philosophers that shaped the founding of this nation. If even both sides were taught side-by-side, the majority of people would side with individual liberty; and that's why this situation would be intolerable to the Statists that run the public schools.

So that leaves it to us, the individual citizen to be educators to both young and old. To family and friends and co-workers. We must educate ourselves in the way of Edmund Burke, John Locke, Montesquieu, and modern equivalents like Milton Friedman. And be able to articulate their points to our fellow citizens. While most of the time it may seem like our points are falling on deaf ears, there will come that time in every person's life where Statist policies will touch them or their family. And then instead of big government tyranny being some ridiculous notion in some third world banana republic, all the things you've said to them will ring true. They will think of you and what you've said and seek you out for more information. It happens to me quite a lot these last few years. This is how a difference will be made and liberty restored in this nation. One person at a time. Just pray it isn't too late.

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