Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Moving Right Along...

I've been away busy with moving, but as of next week I should be somewhat settled again. I only mention this because it is relevant to the content of this blog. I live in the corruption-tax happy state of New Jersey, and the town that I was living in jacked up the taxes this past year an insane amount. Insane even for a good economy, let alone what is going on now. People are losing their jobs, or taking jobs making much less than they were two years ago and government keeps on spending like the cash is flowing in at a record rate. It is just yet another example of how government is beyond out of touch with reality. Tax and spenders keep raising taxes, keep spending, keep lining their and their friends' pockets and then wonder why tax revenue is going down. Well, it's because people are moving out of town, and out of state. And it's why keeping some semblance of federalism alive is so important. Because once you can't escape the outrageous taxes because it's the federal government getting you instead of a state like New Jersey, Massachussetts or California, there is no escape.

I will soon be moving out of this god-forsaken state myself as soon as I can arrange it. For now however I will take solace in the fact that I am now only going to be paying a share of one tax bill as I am now living with someone else.

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