Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CNN "Fact Checks" SNL Skit?

If this doesn't convince you how in the tank the media is for this president, then I doubt anything can. They go and "fact check" the recent SNL skit that barely even scraped at the failures of this president. Seriously, I think I live in some mirror/bizarro world these days where everything is so seriously opposite of what it should be, that you think you're stuck in some nightmare you can't wake up from. The skit was more taking Obama to task for not completing the radical left-wing agenda more than anything else. I will allow however they mentioned Afghanistan and it being worse, giving them some credit. Perhaps CNN and the other liberal-statist-controlled media should "fact check" real world events like the impact this takeover of health care would have on the quality of life of American citizens, how much it would really increase the deficit... oh I could go on, but here is just one part of this madness:

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