Monday, November 16, 2009

Still Alive and Kicking...

Haven't posted here since Election night, but I haven't been carted off by the same people that are trying to suppress our right to voice our opposition. I've just been engaging people around me in person rather than spending the time on here. Between that and keeping up with the daily new things this administration is throwing at us is almost a full time job in itself.

Everybody has been talking about the decision to bring those confessed terrorists to trail in the States. I don't think I need to say anything more, as any sane person knows this is a mistake, and turns historical precedent of prosecuting acts of war on its head. But of course that's what this administration is all about. Doing things exactly the opposite of how they've always been done. Because they say so.

But what really caught my eye this past week was a statistic. It was the fact that only about 8% of private sector workers are now unionized. This compares to almost 33% of government workers. When you find this out, you realize exactly why the union bosses have thrown in with the Democrats. Union bosses fill their coffers with dues, and if government workers are more unionized than private sector, then it makes sense to get in bed with the party of government, doesn't it? Screw over the private sector, promote government takeovers (health industry, automotive industry), get more members, then they can fill their coffers even more, give more money to the liberals, get them elected more and more, and the cycle starts to resemble that spiral of dirty bathwater going down the drain. Too bad it's the country going down the drain and not liberals and their policies once and for all....

1 comment:

  1. I am afraid there will always be liberals in the good old U.S.A. There is no getting rid of them. We have to keep them in check like they try to keep us in check.
