Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The difference between the political parties

For a long time I kept hearing "there is no difference between the parties" as a defense of why people were not being active in politics, or even not voting. I was doing some work online today and two back to back headlines struck home how wrong that notion is for anyone that still may have it.

The first was "Obama pushes DREAM act (aka amnesty for illegals) as lame duck session priority".
The second was "Republicans approve ban on earmarks".

One party wants to make a whole lot of illegals legal thereby encouraging more illegals to come and further collapse the social programs and health care system that are already bankrupt, the other party wants to stop earmarks and wasteful spending.

Which party appears to be listening to what the voters said on November 2? The Democrats haven't gotten the message yet. It's why they need another historic defeat in the next election as well until they learn that this nation is not Europe and wants nothing to do with their socialism and social experimentation upon the population at the expense of our fiscal future.

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