Thursday, January 6, 2011

Harry Reid: The Moronic Tyrant Wannabe

I don't know about you, but I'm not much for tyranny. And more and more of these politicians in Washington are exposing themselves for what they are. Tyrannically minded. When the Senate Majority Leader proclaims for all the world to hear "Americans love government. It's the politics in government they don't love" I take notice, and so should every other American.

Americans don't love government. If we did we never would have fought a war to separate from the tyrannical government of Britain in the 18th century. We love liberty, which is the opposite of large, suffocating, in your face, Orwellian government.

And I can think of quite a few places that don't have "politics in government". Cuba. China. Venezuela. Burma. You know, places where if you disagree with the ruling regime and make noise about what they're doing, you disappear. Sometimes to a prison, sometimes face down in a ditch.

Politics, discourse, and dissent are a large part of free societies. But to the radical Left, dissent is only for when they are in the minority and are fighting against things school choice, State sovereignty, gun ownership, the entire rest of the Bill of Rights, etc. When they're in power, everyone should bow to their every whim and agree with everything they do.

All you have to do to understand these people is pay attention to moments like this where they are speaking off script and expose their true thoughts and intentions. And it's why we need to continue to remove them politically through the voting system and not back down to compromise with those who have this tyrannical mindset.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year, Happy New Congress

It's a new year, and finally a new Congress. While the new Republican majority in the House should prevent any more radical legislation from being shoved through, We the People cannot rest on our laurels and must continue to be vigilant and keep an eye on all of them, particularly the newcomers. The days of going about our lives and not worrying about what's going on in Washington, and our State capitals are over. Too much damage has been done and if we are going to prevent any more, let alone reversing the damage, we have to keep one eye on every move they are making.

With that said, today is a good day for America.