For a long time I kept hearing "there is no difference between the parties" as a defense of why people were not being active in politics, or even not voting. I was doing some work online today and two back to back headlines struck home how wrong that notion is for anyone that still may have it.
The first was "Obama pushes DREAM act (aka amnesty for illegals) as lame duck session priority".
The second was "Republicans approve ban on earmarks".
One party wants to make a whole lot of illegals legal thereby encouraging more illegals to come and further collapse the social programs and health care system that are already bankrupt, the other party wants to stop earmarks and wasteful spending.
Which party appears to be listening to what the voters said on November 2? The Democrats haven't gotten the message yet. It's why they need another historic defeat in the next election as well until they learn that this nation is not Europe and wants nothing to do with their socialism and social experimentation upon the population at the expense of our fiscal future.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Next Stage
So the elections are over, and there weren't very many surprises nationally (at least not for me). I was a bit appalled over Harry Reid being there still, but when people are convinced they want tyranny they're going to get it. (People wanting tyranny in California is much less surprising). The biggest surprise was the massive turnover in the state legislatures. That is what made this a total wipe out.
Now it's time to hold the feet of the people put into office to the fire and continue to push on for the next round of primaries. I'm also interested to see who declares their candidacy for President, as right now I'm not seeing anybody very appetizing (and the last round of bozos need to stay on the lecture circuit and out of campaigning).
Now it's time to hold the feet of the people put into office to the fire and continue to push on for the next round of primaries. I'm also interested to see who declares their candidacy for President, as right now I'm not seeing anybody very appetizing (and the last round of bozos need to stay on the lecture circuit and out of campaigning).
Monday, November 1, 2010
Time to Tune out the Noise
It's time to tune out all the noise from the media and every other outlet and just prepare to get out and vote tomorrow. The polls where I live open at 6am and I plan on being one of the first people there. And I'm not a morning person, and I don't have to get up otherwise before nine or ten if I don't want to. I've been waiting for this day for a year and a half now. I don't have a Senate election here in my state, but just like the rest of you in the country, I have a House race and many other state and local races that need to be voted on. Tomorrow is bigger than the Super Bowl, World Series and any other event you can think of combined. Because it affects our lives in a very real manner. Our freedoms and our bank accounts are at stake here.
So tune out the noise whether one report says the Republicans are going to win a large majority, or the Democrats are making last minute charges. The media, just like anyone else, have their own agenda and they'll report accordingly using whatever spin they can muster in an attempt to get you to do what's in their best interest, instead of what's in your best interest. That worked in 2006 and 2008, but it's not working this year. The people are now awake and seeing what the media's anointed ones have done, and will continue to do to, this country if allowed to.
Let's not even make this close where there will be endless legal challenges and where fraud can determine the outcome. Make it a landslide. Get out and vote.
You vote does count.
So tune out the noise whether one report says the Republicans are going to win a large majority, or the Democrats are making last minute charges. The media, just like anyone else, have their own agenda and they'll report accordingly using whatever spin they can muster in an attempt to get you to do what's in their best interest, instead of what's in your best interest. That worked in 2006 and 2008, but it's not working this year. The people are now awake and seeing what the media's anointed ones have done, and will continue to do to, this country if allowed to.
Let's not even make this close where there will be endless legal challenges and where fraud can determine the outcome. Make it a landslide. Get out and vote.
You vote does count.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Barbarians at the Gate
Rome didn't fall overnight. It wasn't invaded and burned by a superior invading force. It rotted from the inside, which infected every institution in the empire, ultimately including the military. At first just the frontiers became indefensible because of the corruption, but every year the outside attackers came further and further into the former safe lands of the empire, finally burning Rome itself, leading to the abandonment of the entire western portion of the empire to the dark ages.
Many allusions to Rome and its fall have been drawn to the current state of the United States and all its troubles. If you haven't guessed by now, I am drawing yet another one. Mexican assassins in our country. First targeting criminals, but they won't stop there. Remember Colombia in the 80s and 90s. Look at Mexico now. That's where we are headed unless we do something about this and stop the federal government's fiddling while the border remains porous.
I think it's safe to call Mexican drug lord assassins "barbarians". The southwest is burning, and the rot is deeper in our nation, people. The question is do we have the resolve to attempt to excise this rot and reset our feet upon the firm footing of our Constitution? November 2 is just the beginning of this process. The Mike Castles and Lisa Murkowskis need to be Primaried out of the races each cycle for years to come, so when November rolls every year there's a clear choice between two candidates, with one of them being for liberty, private property, and the Constitution, and the other being for everything that goes against what made this country great.
Many allusions to Rome and its fall have been drawn to the current state of the United States and all its troubles. If you haven't guessed by now, I am drawing yet another one. Mexican assassins in our country. First targeting criminals, but they won't stop there. Remember Colombia in the 80s and 90s. Look at Mexico now. That's where we are headed unless we do something about this and stop the federal government's fiddling while the border remains porous.
I think it's safe to call Mexican drug lord assassins "barbarians". The southwest is burning, and the rot is deeper in our nation, people. The question is do we have the resolve to attempt to excise this rot and reset our feet upon the firm footing of our Constitution? November 2 is just the beginning of this process. The Mike Castles and Lisa Murkowskis need to be Primaried out of the races each cycle for years to come, so when November rolls every year there's a clear choice between two candidates, with one of them being for liberty, private property, and the Constitution, and the other being for everything that goes against what made this country great.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
On this Independence Day I not only celebrate the birthday of the greatest nation ever to grace this earth, but also the idea of individual independence from excessive government control and intrusion into private life. And I renew my resolve to fight back against things like the federal government dictating to me what specific health insurance I must buy. For it's not just about fireworks and the nation's founding, it's about the founding principles and freedoms as well.
Happy Independence Day everyone!
Happy Independence Day everyone!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
In Celebration of Earth Day
Since it probably can't be said any better, here's George Carlin's take on environmentalism and Earth Day. This is made even funnier by the fact that while he had some libertarian tendencies, he was a well known lib on a lot of things.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Don't Say Your Vote Doesn't Count
Here in New Jersey we vote on the local level on school budgets. Most years the teacher's union wins their massive increases with rhetoric about "the children" while they continue to rake in what now surpasses private sector wages and pay nothing for their health and other benefits. This year however the feeling was quite different among the people with a new more responsible governor pushing back against the union, and all other kinds of out of control spending. So the local school districts took it upon themselves to try to authorize a massive increase in local property taxes.
In my town, the elementary school alone wanted 1.4 million dollars OVER and ABOVE regular base curriculum spending at a time when people have been out of work for six months or more in record numbers. In my town, the budget was defeated by TWO votes.
Two votes is going to force some actual responsibility from these people for once.
Now don't say your vote doesn't ever count for anything.
Across the state, nearly 60% of budgets were defeated in a promising sign that people are not going to put up with any more out of control spending from the local level all the way up to the federal government. Watch out come November.
In my town, the elementary school alone wanted 1.4 million dollars OVER and ABOVE regular base curriculum spending at a time when people have been out of work for six months or more in record numbers. In my town, the budget was defeated by TWO votes.
Two votes is going to force some actual responsibility from these people for once.
Now don't say your vote doesn't ever count for anything.
Across the state, nearly 60% of budgets were defeated in a promising sign that people are not going to put up with any more out of control spending from the local level all the way up to the federal government. Watch out come November.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Here We Go
So it begins. The United States has become just like the rest of the Socialist West. The entire political debate from now on will be centered around this disaster that is national health care. Every election will now be about first repealing it, then, if and when that fails, how to "fix" all the problems this monstrosity is going to cause.
Next up: legalizing all illegals so they can suck on this newly grown government teat, let them get legal jobs, so millions more illegals can come take the underground jobs they leave behind.
The slope this country has been sliding down to hell on has just gotten a lot steeper.
November is going to determine a lot. Unfortunately the road to getting rid of this monstrosity will involve getting a majority in the House, 60 votes in the Senate, and the Presidency as well. I'm not holding my breath for the courts to stop this nightmare.
Next up: legalizing all illegals so they can suck on this newly grown government teat, let them get legal jobs, so millions more illegals can come take the underground jobs they leave behind.
The slope this country has been sliding down to hell on has just gotten a lot steeper.
November is going to determine a lot. Unfortunately the road to getting rid of this monstrosity will involve getting a majority in the House, 60 votes in the Senate, and the Presidency as well. I'm not holding my breath for the courts to stop this nightmare.
entitlement mentality,
health care,
nanny state
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What is progressivism moving away from? What is it progressing toward?
Well anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the answer, but I got bored and was messing around with photoshop earlier:

Liberal-progressive-statists want the government involved in everything. So no matter whether you want total government or not, if you push government involvement where there isn't any, or even continued government where it shouldn't be constitutionally, you are part of the push toward total government control.
Well anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the answer, but I got bored and was messing around with photoshop earlier:

Liberal-progressive-statists want the government involved in everything. So no matter whether you want total government or not, if you push government involvement where there isn't any, or even continued government where it shouldn't be constitutionally, you are part of the push toward total government control.
The Difference between a Statist and a Conservative
The title is just a tad bit misleading because there obviously isn't just one difference between two diametrically opposing ideas. Everything is different. The point however is not just a difference, but a fundamental reason why conservatives are grounded in fact and educated while liberal-progressive-statists are just brainwashed drones.
Liberal-progressive-statists are indoctrinated with the "compassionate" big government philosophy and then also indoctrinated with their view of conservatism. Conservatives are educated on conservative ideals and go to the statist propaganda sources and see the statist philosophy for what it is. Conservatives encourage each other to go read what liberals write and see it for what it is, not tell each other what they say and think.
Want one example out of millions? The media's portrayal of Rush Limbaugh as Satan, when anyone who actually listens to him instead of just believing what they are told, knows this is not true. Why? Because the statists know that any American with two brain cells to rub together who actually listens to a coherent argument from a conservative will be compelled to at a minimum, actually listen to what s/he has to say. The opposite cannot be said, because what the statists espouse is so fundamentally against founding American principles.
Another example? Me. For a long time I had been one of those relying on what was said in the media about conservatives. And while I was not a big believer in most of the leftist agenda, but they had sucked me into some of it. But then one day I decided to check out what was being said through their mouth, not someone else. It didn't take very long, especially after reading Mark Levin's book to find that not only did I agree with 99% of the principles, I passionately agreed. This was very enlightening compared to the half-hearted following of the typical leftist drone.
Liberal-progressive-statists are indoctrinated with the "compassionate" big government philosophy and then also indoctrinated with their view of conservatism. Conservatives are educated on conservative ideals and go to the statist propaganda sources and see the statist philosophy for what it is. Conservatives encourage each other to go read what liberals write and see it for what it is, not tell each other what they say and think.
Want one example out of millions? The media's portrayal of Rush Limbaugh as Satan, when anyone who actually listens to him instead of just believing what they are told, knows this is not true. Why? Because the statists know that any American with two brain cells to rub together who actually listens to a coherent argument from a conservative will be compelled to at a minimum, actually listen to what s/he has to say. The opposite cannot be said, because what the statists espouse is so fundamentally against founding American principles.
Another example? Me. For a long time I had been one of those relying on what was said in the media about conservatives. And while I was not a big believer in most of the leftist agenda, but they had sucked me into some of it. But then one day I decided to check out what was being said through their mouth, not someone else. It didn't take very long, especially after reading Mark Levin's book to find that not only did I agree with 99% of the principles, I passionately agreed. This was very enlightening compared to the half-hearted following of the typical leftist drone.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Future of the US
Just seeing news in Greece and the protests and rioting going on there. It's like looking into the future. The future that "progressives" are progressing us toward here in the United States. An entitlement mentality so ingrained that even when the country and currency is about to collapse under the weight of debt, a large portion the people still don't want to make sacrifices. Perhaps if they hadn't run up the credit card so high the bill that came due wouldn't have been so bad.
Can you say $55 trillion in underfunded liability to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid? Yeah, I've got a great idea. Let's expand that massive Medicare program that's bleeding red ink to EVERYBODY in the country.
The credit card bill goes even higher. What's going on in Greece will look like a playground fight between 7 year olds compared to what is going to happen here when the bill collectors finally come calling. Unless we stop the out of control spending and this rogue government now and start reversing the damage.
Can you say $55 trillion in underfunded liability to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid? Yeah, I've got a great idea. Let's expand that massive Medicare program that's bleeding red ink to EVERYBODY in the country.
The credit card bill goes even higher. What's going on in Greece will look like a playground fight between 7 year olds compared to what is going to happen here when the bill collectors finally come calling. Unless we stop the out of control spending and this rogue government now and start reversing the damage.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Obama: Washington Obessessed with Polls and Politics
You know, this is one of the many things that progressives says that sounds great until you actually deconstruct what it really means.
Newsflash: Politicians need to be worried about what the polls say in a Republic because politicians answer to the people. As Obama continues to push his party to ignore polls and what people really want or don't want, he is pushing the dictator's view that what the dictator thinks is best is what needs to happen, and damn the people and what they think. In Obamaworld polls wouldn't matter because he would be a dictator imposing all his ideological policies on us without us having a say in it at all.
In a representative republic, you don't get to muscle your agenda through against the will of the people and not pay the consequences come election time. Ideologues like Obama don't give a rat's behind about any of that. It's all about getting their agenda pushed through whether 50% of people support it or 10% do.
So this is what we are facing today. An out of control government led by a dictator wannabe. Does is stop with this particular piece of legislation? Of course not. What's next is what should really give you nightmares.
Newsflash: Politicians need to be worried about what the polls say in a Republic because politicians answer to the people. As Obama continues to push his party to ignore polls and what people really want or don't want, he is pushing the dictator's view that what the dictator thinks is best is what needs to happen, and damn the people and what they think. In Obamaworld polls wouldn't matter because he would be a dictator imposing all his ideological policies on us without us having a say in it at all.
In a representative republic, you don't get to muscle your agenda through against the will of the people and not pay the consequences come election time. Ideologues like Obama don't give a rat's behind about any of that. It's all about getting their agenda pushed through whether 50% of people support it or 10% do.
So this is what we are facing today. An out of control government led by a dictator wannabe. Does is stop with this particular piece of legislation? Of course not. What's next is what should really give you nightmares.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Good News!
Good news! Only another 36,000 people lost their jobs today! Harry Reid says so, so it must be great!
Oh, and just when you thought it couldn't get any BETTER, last month's job losses were revised up another 6,000. So I guess we better make that 42,000 more total. I think I'm going to go have some ice cream with lunch today because it's such a GREAT day. Thanks for letting me know Harry!
Oh, and just when you thought it couldn't get any BETTER, last month's job losses were revised up another 6,000. So I guess we better make that 42,000 more total. I think I'm going to go have some ice cream with lunch today because it's such a GREAT day. Thanks for letting me know Harry!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Waiting to Dig Out
Sitting here posting waiting for the second blizzard of the year to stop so I can start digging out the multiple feet of snow covering my yard and car. While I'm no old man, and I'm only remembering back about 25 or 28 years, but I still cannot remember a year where we have had two storms that dumped multiple feet of snow where I live. I remember a couple years where there was one, but never more than that.
I really could use some of those global warming drones to shovel my walk and dig out my car.
I really could use some of those global warming drones to shovel my walk and dig out my car.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Employment Rate Declines; 20,000 More Lose Job
That headline, taken from one of the major propaganda outlets says it all. Most places just trumpet in their headline "Unemployment drops to 9.7%" To give the former headline some credit, it at least offers the hint of some truth.
Many people do not read more than the headline of a news article. Propagandists know this. So they only include what they want the most people to see and believe in headlines. Oh, and buried in those headlines somewhere is also the fact that the count of people who couldn't find a job for the year 2009 was off by just a little bit. But only by about 1.2 million. No big deal, right? No need for a big headline on that.
So the real question is, how does the unemployment rate decline when there was another net loss of 20,000 jobs? Any free-thinking person with half a brain will come to one of two conclusions. Neither of them very good. Either someone is fudging the numbers, or the way the unemployment rate is calculated is severely flawed. This is a case however where both conclusions are correct. The reasons are numerous of how and where they fudge the numbers (one being already counting temporary census workers as employed even though they aren't) , but no more obvious is this "correction" of 1.2 million more discouraged people than they thought. It's either total incompetence or on purpose. And while I'm quite secure in the knowledge that there are a lot of stupid people out there, even I have a hard time believing incompetence on that scale.
Many people do not read more than the headline of a news article. Propagandists know this. So they only include what they want the most people to see and believe in headlines. Oh, and buried in those headlines somewhere is also the fact that the count of people who couldn't find a job for the year 2009 was off by just a little bit. But only by about 1.2 million. No big deal, right? No need for a big headline on that.
So the real question is, how does the unemployment rate decline when there was another net loss of 20,000 jobs? Any free-thinking person with half a brain will come to one of two conclusions. Neither of them very good. Either someone is fudging the numbers, or the way the unemployment rate is calculated is severely flawed. This is a case however where both conclusions are correct. The reasons are numerous of how and where they fudge the numbers (one being already counting temporary census workers as employed even though they aren't) , but no more obvious is this "correction" of 1.2 million more discouraged people than they thought. It's either total incompetence or on purpose. And while I'm quite secure in the knowledge that there are a lot of stupid people out there, even I have a hard time believing incompetence on that scale.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Four Supreme Court Justices Support Book Bans
Yes, that's right. That is actually the flip side of today's Supreme Court decision. In today's 5-4 ruling in favor of first amendment free speech rights, the Court struck down the campaign finance "reform" laws like McCain-Feingold that suppress people's ability to express opinions and disseminate information before primaries and general elections.
I've read comments far and wide on boards throughout the day of people that have railed against this decision. It's a sad fact that the class warfare of the left has insidiously wormed its way into people and makes them see this as a victory for "big corporations" and not a victory for free speech.
When it comes down to it, the suit was not brought by ExxonMobile or AIG. It was brought by a non-profit organization that wanted to release and advertise their political film about why Hilary Clinton was not qualified to be President. And a government bureaucrat told them they would be fined and possibly imprisoned if they did so. (Excuse me? Is this the United States or the old Soviet Union?) because it was within one of the "reform" laws' periods banning such activity.
Even though this was a victory, the scariest part to me was during oral arguments one of the Justices asked the government's lawyer if this content had been in book form would it be the government's position that that too would be illegal? And the government answered: yes. In a second round of arguments Justice Ginsburg offered the government and out and asked the question again for "clarification". Again the government's lawyer answered yes, it would be our position this would be illegal in book form, but you should "trust us, we have never enforced such things." At this, Chief Justice Roberts leaned across the bench and said "we don't place our First Amendment rights in the hands of bureaucrats."
So yes, as free Americans we have won a victory pushing back those who would infringe upon our basic Constitutional rights. But Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor sided with the government, and in essence with the prospect of banning books. The next time you wonder what the big deal is over a Supreme Court nominee
is all about, perhaps you should remember this. If just one more person on that court such as Kennedy had gone the other way, next week, next month, or whenever it was convenient, YOU might be sitting in jail for writing something poliltical within a 30 or 60 day window of an election...
I've read comments far and wide on boards throughout the day of people that have railed against this decision. It's a sad fact that the class warfare of the left has insidiously wormed its way into people and makes them see this as a victory for "big corporations" and not a victory for free speech.
When it comes down to it, the suit was not brought by ExxonMobile or AIG. It was brought by a non-profit organization that wanted to release and advertise their political film about why Hilary Clinton was not qualified to be President. And a government bureaucrat told them they would be fined and possibly imprisoned if they did so. (Excuse me? Is this the United States or the old Soviet Union?) because it was within one of the "reform" laws' periods banning such activity.
Even though this was a victory, the scariest part to me was during oral arguments one of the Justices asked the government's lawyer if this content had been in book form would it be the government's position that that too would be illegal? And the government answered: yes. In a second round of arguments Justice Ginsburg offered the government and out and asked the question again for "clarification". Again the government's lawyer answered yes, it would be our position this would be illegal in book form, but you should "trust us, we have never enforced such things." At this, Chief Justice Roberts leaned across the bench and said "we don't place our First Amendment rights in the hands of bureaucrats."
So yes, as free Americans we have won a victory pushing back those who would infringe upon our basic Constitutional rights. But Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor sided with the government, and in essence with the prospect of banning books. The next time you wonder what the big deal is over a Supreme Court nominee
is all about, perhaps you should remember this. If just one more person on that court such as Kennedy had gone the other way, next week, next month, or whenever it was convenient, YOU might be sitting in jail for writing something poliltical within a 30 or 60 day window of an election...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Massachusetts Patriots Overcome the Drones
By this morning, anyone that reads or listens to any news knows that the voters in Massachusetts have sent a clear and loud notice to the Democrats that the electorate is angry and not going to be written off any longer.
Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley in what many headlines have called "an epic upset". I would reject that view and put forth the headline "Massachusetts voters return to reality and remember the likes of Sam Adams and Paul Revere".
Already Democrats are doing what those of a leftist mentality do best. Point fingers at everybody but themselves. And others like Jim Webb of Virginia are in full panic mode and calling for no votes on health care until Brown is seated to look like they are in touch with the voters. Much, much too late Mr. Webb.
And this is just the beginning. Wait until November.
Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley in what many headlines have called "an epic upset". I would reject that view and put forth the headline "Massachusetts voters return to reality and remember the likes of Sam Adams and Paul Revere".
Already Democrats are doing what those of a leftist mentality do best. Point fingers at everybody but themselves. And others like Jim Webb of Virginia are in full panic mode and calling for no votes on health care until Brown is seated to look like they are in touch with the voters. Much, much too late Mr. Webb.
And this is just the beginning. Wait until November.
Friday, January 15, 2010
On the Massachusetts Senate Election
I've been enjoying the past week or so. Enjoying watching the liberals in full panic mode and having to spend precious time and resources fighting for a Senate seat that a few months ago everyone was giving to the Democrats without so much as a second thought. Watching this true panic in a bastion of clone factories that turn out Marxist-liberal drones on an assembly line is both amazing and fun at the same time.
Recent polls have shown that the Republican candidate, State Senator Scott Brown, is leading 50-46. He's been campaigning on being the 41st vote to hold up a Republican filibuster on Obamacare, Cap&Tax, and other Marxist agendas of this president. Looks like being the "Party of No" is resonating quite well with the voters when it comes to saying no to Marxism in the US. The significance of this race is that Brown could be decisive in stopping this monstrosity from becoming law at all if he wins and can get sworn in before the conference bill is completed.
Even if he doesn't win, this bodes well for the November elections. If a Republican can make a race out a seat in the liberal capital of the East Coast, then Democrats are in for a rude awakening all around the country.
Recent polls have shown that the Republican candidate, State Senator Scott Brown, is leading 50-46. He's been campaigning on being the 41st vote to hold up a Republican filibuster on Obamacare, Cap&Tax, and other Marxist agendas of this president. Looks like being the "Party of No" is resonating quite well with the voters when it comes to saying no to Marxism in the US. The significance of this race is that Brown could be decisive in stopping this monstrosity from becoming law at all if he wins and can get sworn in before the conference bill is completed.
Even if he doesn't win, this bodes well for the November elections. If a Republican can make a race out a seat in the liberal capital of the East Coast, then Democrats are in for a rude awakening all around the country.
Friday, January 8, 2010
So Much "Good" News
Today 85,000 more jobs were reported lost last month. That would be December; the month that usually produces a huge amount of work in the service sector for retail holiday help. So much for that recovery huh?
And of course we can't forget about how "the system worked" when a known extremist got onto a plane bound for the US and almost blew it out of the sky.
However on a bighter note I'm happy to see at least some of the Democrats losing hope and dropping out of re-election bids. Even though they're doing it so they can get cushy consulting jobs, it shows they know they have no chance at avoiding the wrath of the voters in November.
And of course we can't forget about how "the system worked" when a known extremist got onto a plane bound for the US and almost blew it out of the sky.
However on a bighter note I'm happy to see at least some of the Democrats losing hope and dropping out of re-election bids. Even though they're doing it so they can get cushy consulting jobs, it shows they know they have no chance at avoiding the wrath of the voters in November.
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