Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Wall Street Journal proves its uselessness again

All freedom loving educated individuals know that publications like the New York Times, Washington Post, and major network news are nothing but propaganda outlets for the Democratic party now. Now they're waking up to the reality that their supposed counterparts like the Wall Street Journal aren't any better in regards to their ability to live in reality.

Low-Road Conservatives
Indiana insurgents play Mickey-Mouse politics against Dick Lugar.

That's the title of one of their articles yesterday.

First we're hobbits, now we're Mickey Mouse. I don't buy the WSJ anymore for a good reason. Its opinion makers and writers are as out of touch as the NYT leftists. They want conservatives to fall in line when the general election comes time and vote for the team with the R cap, but they sure go into a tizzy whenever people actually want a say in a primary about who gets to run in that general election. Our vote is good enough come November, but the rest of the year we're supposed to sit down, shut up and sit in the corner so they can pretend we don't exist. Then they say there is no Republican establishment because they're the obvious conservatives and call us rodents or hobbits.

Lugar has outlived his usefulness, whether or not the fact that he no longer has a residence in Indiana is legal or not. Like the WSJ writers, he's been living in a place that is out of touch with the rest of the country too long and needs to be replaced. It's that simple. Yes, that's right guys, we all don't live in the fantasy lands of Washington DC or New York City. We live in reality and we're going to drag them kicking and screaming back into it as well. Whether they like it or not.


  1. Lugar will be out this primary. I know I ain't voting for him.

    1. I don't live in Indiana like you, but I've supported Mourdock to the best of my ability. Lugar is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to "compromising". Compromising conservative principles that is.
