Friday, August 14, 2009

Go Save the Trees and STFU

If you're like me, you don't like other people telling you what to do. If you're going to tell me what to do, you better be paying me to do it. And even then I might decide it isn't particularly worth it.

I used to be a Democrat and left leaning in my thoughts and voting. That was when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. Then a funny thing happened. I had to graduate college and actually get a real job.

Turns out I don't like working all of Monday just to pay for stuff that other people think is important. That's bad enough. I don't want that to turn into Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. That is where we are headed every time we allow the government to get bigger and more expensive. And allowing this ObamaCare thing to become reality will pretty much get us there instantly.

And please don't tell me that Obama said only the rich will be paying (more) taxes. That's what the government said when trying to make the income tax permanently legal too. How's that working out?

So if you want to save the (trees, homeless, animals, whatever) go do it yourself. Donate your money, your time, and God bless you. But don't be sticking your grubby hands in MY pocket to fund your little projects, thanks. You spend your time and money on what you think is important and I'll spend my money on what I think is important. Like feeding my family.

In other words, don't expect to tell me what to do AND expect ME to pay YOU for it.

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