Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Do We Still Even Have a Congress in Washington?

Seriously. This isn't one of those rants about how Congress is the opposite of progress. I'm serious here. Think about it.

Why, in this day and age with the technology we have do we still pay to send representatives back and forth to Washington DC? Why do we pay millions to keep the Capitol building secured?
Why can't Senators and Representatives just stay in their own offices in their states and have a massive networked video/audio meeting?

It's bad enough that Congress has turned into a full time job with pay and benefits the average American can only dream about. Oh oops. Therein lies the problem. If Congress didn't get paid to travel back and forth, have special expense accounts, residences, and other things, they wouldn't get to feel and act so superior to We the People, would they?

Some of the outbursts during this health care debacle has shown what they think of us. They think we are stupid, know nothings that need a parental figure (the Government) to take care of us and our families because they know better than us. Well to that I say it's time to bring our elected officials back under our control. Instead of expanding Congressional and government power, it's time to lessen it. Take away their special privileges and expense accounts. Set term limits. Make them responsible for following the same laws they subject the rest of the people to. They're citizens too, not royalty. It's time to remind them of it and bring them back to reality. The Founding Fathers intended Congress to be like jury duty, not elected kings and queens. Do the job of representing the people and go home and do something actually productive to society. AKA stop interfering with everyday people and business. Stop hanging around Washington and making things up to pass into law just to look like you are doing something.

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