Monday, August 31, 2009

Hypocritical Politicians Striking Again

This time in Massachusetts. With the death of Senator Kennedy, Democrats now want to change the state law so the Democratic governor can appoint a new Democrat to fill the vacant Senate seat. The goal of course is to get the Democrats back to the 60 votes they need to ram any bill down the throats of the American people.

This might not be controversial in itself except for the fact that just five years ago they had changed this law regarding a replacement from gubernatorial appointment to special election. Way back then the Democrats were running John Kerry against President Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Fully expecting victory over Bush and a vacant Senate seat as a result, the Democrats wanted to ensure that then governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, could not appoint a Republican to replace Kerry if he indeed won the White House. And now that Massachusetts again has a Democrat for a governor it is apparently okay for the governor to appoint a replacement. So now they want to change it back!

This all in response to the dying plea of Senator Kennedy. The real gas is Kennedy was a big pusher of the change back in 2004. So, in other words, governor appointments are un-American when your governor is NOT of your own party; we have to have an election. Yet appointments are very good when you have a governor on your own side. How convenient. You just have to love it.

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