Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No, I'm not a Republican

But thanks for playing. I wouldn't want to associate myself with the wishy-washy, Charlie Brown nature of today's Republican party. People like Senator John McCain make me want to vomit. And I'm not the only one.

When articles are written in liberal biased media sources marveling that you are voting with your own party, there's something seriously wrong there.

I don't want to be associated with people that have no balls to stand up for what they believe in and not dilute good core conservativism with liberal policies. While compromise is sometimes necessary, you negotiate from a position of strength, not douche-bag weakness of "can't we all just be friends" liberal mentality.

The American people are busy fighting against this giant government intrusion of their personal freedom and liberty that this administration is calling "health care reform". The people have pushed the liberal agenda back on its heels. What does John McCain do? He comes out and undermines the whole thing by going on one of his "I want to work with my friends across the aisle..blahbnlahbnlahblahblah" rants. Senator McCain, please shut up. If the liberals want to commit political suicide by continuing to push something the majority of the nation does not want, let them do it. Don't get involved. You just allow the liberals to take you and the Republican party down with them. It's why the Republican party is pretty much a dead thing barely shuffling along at this point. You are indistinguishable from liberals because you continue to try to work with them instead of fighting back with the ideas of smaller government, less intrusion, lower taxes, et al.

When the Republican party gets its cajones back and stands up with what the party was founded on, perhaps then I might be able to identify myself as a formerly brainwashed liberal turned Republican. Until then, I'll just use the first part to idenitify myself.

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