Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Wants to Raise your Children Now

It's bad enough public schools are already too busy teaching important things like multiculturalism and global warming instead of less important things like math, science and English. Now the President wants to address your children and tell them what they should be doing since obviously parents are too stupid to be doing that themselves.

Now we can talk about how heads of state are seen and heard in schools in third world dictatorships and not free societies, but that's a whole different argument.

The point is the President and other government officials have no business lecturing to impressionable children whether it's about politics or not. It's not government's place in a free society to interfere and influence children.

How would you like it if I came into your house uninvited and started lecturing your children on how to live, and how to behave? Yeah, I thought so.

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