Monday, September 14, 2009

More on Chicken Little

Here's a radical idea: Why don't we actually play up a real threat to the United States and western civilization as we know it? Something that is happening now. Something that is going to affect us in 15 or 25 years, not 150 or 250.

It's the double slam-dunk of falling birth rates and the loss of identity due to liberalism and the transformation of people from self-reliant citizens to wards of the state.

In parts of Europe, notably Russia, Eastern Europe, Greece, Italy and Spain, the birthrate has become so low, that the population of some nations will be halving a little over each generation. That sort of presents a problem as to who is going to work to fund the welfare state that Europe is.

Europe has already felt the tip of the iceberg of the consequences of relying on immigration of people from North Africa and the Middle East. Forty percent of these immigrants end up permanently on the welfare system, and the refusal of these people to integrate into European society along with the Europeans' birthrates is going to sound the death knell for these countries identity in its entirety. But who cares right? So long as those checks and state health care keep on coming.

People have had their will and identity so drained by the social liberal nanny state that they can't even be bothered to breed anymore. And those that may still want to can't afford to because of the fact that the tax structure in the welfare state just doesn't reward families. It punishes them. Faced with their extinction as a people and culture, they'll apologize themselves out of existence before actually finding the balls to do anything about it.

And this is the path that the current administration has laid out for us, to follow the Europeans into the abyss.

I'd say that's a bit more of something to worry about than Global Cooling (oh wait that was thirty years ago, now it's Warming).

This is the REAL population bomb.

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