Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Legislative Insanity on Health Care

Do Democrats know the meaning of the saying the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? I don't think they do.

Now Senator Max Baucus has proposed levying fees against insurance companies to help pay for "reform". As usual, this is playing to the class envy that people who do not know what personal responsibility is in order to garner support for an idiotic idea.

After all you liberals are done cheering "down with insurance companies! They should pay!", tell me this: Do you really think that insurance companies are just going to suck it up and pay this "fee"? For those of us that live in the real world we know the answer is no. They will raise premiums even higher to recoup the lost money thereby showing once again why government intervention and regulation RAISES costs instead of lowering them.

Yet people keep on supporting government involvement in everything then wonder why costs are going up. Oh yeah. It's those greedy bastard big corporations that raise rates for no good reason other than because they want more people to not be able to afford their product, then get blamed for it and have to pay a fee in order to help pay for those people who can't afford their product and then... well just go back to the beginning and keep reading this until you keel over and die because it's a never-ending loop. And unlike government, I have important things to do and can't sit here typing that over and over again.

It's time to wake up to the real people responsible for expensive health care: regulation-happy politicians and trial lawyers. Stop allowing these blowhard politicians to raise your costs, then turn around five years later and point the finger at somebody else.

And on top of that he also wants to fine you thousands of dollars if you don't have health insurance. I'm sorry, when did the Constitution give you the right to tell me what to buy and what not to? Yet they keep saying this "health care reform" isn't government takeover and intrusion into our lives and freedoms. Right.

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