Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear Statist,

Big government is a failure. No matter what you call it, or yourselves, it has been a failure time and time again.

You call yourselves liberals. You call yourselves progressives. But what you really are shows quite clearly when examined closely enough. You are anti-individualistic brain washers whose love of the state borders upon a religion in itself. You are statist.

Communism has failed. National socialism has failed. Fascism has failed. Economic socialism has failed. You and your ideas have failed time and time again yet you continue to believe that *this* time around you will devise the "perfect" system. This fact alone speaks volumes of you and your ilk. That you could possibly believe that you as an imperfect human being could devise a perfect system is at best flawed, and at worst, lunacy. And looking at some of the people that you adore such as Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I tend to believe it is the latter.

Capitalism and the individual have combined to create the richest and most powerful nation on the earth ever to be seen. We are not the ones that need to follow the rest of the world. It's the rest of the world that needs to come to grips with the failures of your ideas, dear Statist.

Might I suggest you follow one of those things you and your kind are so big on, and visit a therapist? Confronting your failures and reality and dispelling the delusions you are possessed by could very well cure you.

Best regards,

a reformed statist turned conservative

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