Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Politicians and Spam Marketers

I was sitting here thinking today as I am known to do. Thinking about our illustrious president and his campaign speeches (and subsequent ones after inauguration that may as well be called campaign speeches) and how they sound so similar to the crap I have to clean out of my e-mail box daily.

"Obama is going to heal the divisions of this country..."

"This magical herbal supplement will make you lose 30 pounds in two hours..."

Most of us can ignore the crap when it slips by the filter and ends up in our in box. So why did so many people fall for the same scam crap-talk from Obama?

I suppose it's because just over half the country really wanted to believe the guy was the friendly centrist he made himself out to be for most of the time on the campaign trail and were blissfully ignorant to the fact that he was a radical statist. They missed the "subtle" clues when he said things like "mandatory volunteerism" and "spread the wealth around" (read: higher taxes on everyone who pays them now). Unfortunately ignorance and stupidity often have the same results.
And now we are stuck with a president that is trying to take away your health care, and is too busy jetting off on a vacation to Denmark with his wife with this Olympic excuse while our troops in Afghanistan die while waiting on Obama to send the reinforcements HIS general has asked for.

So were YOU paying attention? Or did you get suckered into the Hopey Changey Spam Mail and buy the scam?

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