Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conservative Americans: The Silent Majority

Conservatives are the hard workers in America. They actually hold down jobs, raise families, and do all the other things that have kept this country together and made it great for the past 230 years.

Unfortunately these are also the things that make us feel like we are in the minority these days. We are bombarded by images of liberal activists by the mainstream media. Every talking point, whether from Democrats or Republicans sounds more or less liberal anymore.

The recent boisterous protests against the Democrat "health reform" plan has encouraged me. I hope it has encouraged you as well. Not just passively, either. It should be a wake up call for all of us to get more involved and be more vocal in politics. Politics. It's not just for the political class. Politics affect us all whether we want to admit or not, and when we don't get involved we are left behind. Whether you get involved or not, your taxes are still going up, and your children and grandchildren are being sold into slavery by this out of control Government that all of us are responsible for. Either through direct action (the liberal "progressives") or inaction.

Don't be the silent majority any longer. Don't expect other people to do the work for you. You can see where that has gotten us. Over a trillion dollar deficit this year alone, and a national debt spiraling out of control. The interest payments alone are now over 26 BILLION dollars a MONTH. It's time to stop this madness. I for one am joining the protest in Washington this weekend. I am taking time out of my schedule and spending my Saturday taking action instead of sitting around just typing on here, or even spending time with my family. Because I know how important this is. I'd rather be home, just like most of you. But I've woken up and shaken off the chains that progressive liberals are trying to snap shut on us. It's time for you to do the same as well before it's too late.

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