Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More on Republicans and the Two Party System

I've never been a fan of the two party system. Even when I was still a brainwashed liberal, I never registered Democrat. And taking a look at the state of the Republican party these days, when I moved and had to re-register to vote, I didn't register as a Republican either. For the longest time I've thought that the United States needed a viable third party. If I had my way all the RINOs like John McCain and Olympia Snowe would follow Arlen Specter down the winding left road to the Democratic party. Or for the actual conservatives that are still in the party to just leave and start a real Conservative party. But since neither of those are going to happen I've decided it's better for people like me to register Republican so we can get rid of these idiots during primary season.

It's something that needs to be done not only on the national stage, but even more importantly on the state and local levels. This slow floating to the left of the GOP is what has made it so susceptible to heavy losses over the past few election cycles. It hasn't just been about GWB. John McCain lost the 2008 presidential election because when uninformed, undecided people looked at him and Obama they saw pretty much the same "moderate" politician and more likely than not went with Obama just in the hope that he was going to be something different. Well, we all know how that is working out. Hell, I was informed about Obama and knew he was a radical, and I still had a hard time getting out and voting because McCain made me feel dirty just because he might as well be a Democrat himself. But at least he wasn't a radical left-wing Democrat.

The point is after that long rambling paragraph is what most conservatives already know but the party just doesn't seem to get: that the GOP needs to get back to the party roots and actually start nominating real conservatives again. They would be amazed at the results.

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