Monday, September 21, 2009

Two Questions for the Readers

1) What do you think of Rush Limbaugh?


2) Have you formed this opinion by actually listening to him at least once, or have you formed that opinion through listening to what morons like Andrea Mitchell say?

Everyone I talk to on a daily basis I ask this now whenever the conversation steers remotely toward politics. And the two answers I inevitably get from liberals are

1) Oh he [sucks, is the devil, is the biggest racist ever]


2) Uh well no I haven't listened to him by why would I want to listen to his hate speak? I hear enough of it second hand. (Or some other very similar response).

And of course since last week everyone is raving about how he supposedly put the idea of segregating school buses after a bunch of black kids attacked a white kid on a school bus.

Except as usual people get worked up over what the liberal media decides to report to them. Too bad the segregated buses thing was part of a sarcastic play on a Newsweek article that basically said that all white babies are racist by six months old.

So anyway, after asking these questions to people, and #2 is no they have never listened, I challenge them to do so at least one day that week. I know that total lobotomized liberals will never do it or still hear what they want to hear if by chance they did, I know that anyone who still has their brain intact will hear something quite different from the convenient liberal translation they normally get in the media.

I know I did. And it was one of many things that helped open my eyes up to what goes on in the world of so-called journalism these days.

Limbaugh may primarily be an entertainer (and not the Almighty Leader of the Republican party, as liberals like to parrot), but listening to him would still open up quite a few eyes among the population. And it might also just get a laugh out of them as well. Especially when they watch their nightly newscast and hear how they totally distort what he said that day.

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