Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stop the Entitlement Mentality

I was listening to one of the more popular political programs the other day and a caller complained about how her friend "had to" work three jobs and then got "punished" because she then made too much money to "qualify for free medicine".

Okay, let me get this straight. You're complaining because you make too much money to get something from a nanny welfare state program? I've got the perfect solution! Quit all your jobs! Live in a box! Then you should qualify for ALL the welfare programs that working people have to pay for every day. Otherwise can you turn off your cable/satellite TV, drop your Tivo subscription, stop eating out, get rid of your cell phone, walk to the corner store instead of driving down there, turn off your air conditioning or buy a few less pairs of shoes? Then you could actually pay for your drugs and still have money left over.

But oh no, you could never do that. That would be crimping your lifestyle. Or maybe the government (aka me, and everyone else that works and have our own bills) should pay for all that for you too? Maybe you don't make enough money to get that new Coach bag you want? Yes, let's start a government welfare program for that. How much does your friend make in her three jobs so we can have a baseline income level to get the program rolling?

If you want something, pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, don't buy it and go into debt and then complain you have to work three jobs to pay just the interest on your credit cards. I work, and I recently had to cancel my TV and internet at home because I couldn't afford it after my taxes went up drastically. Taxes that support leeches that think they should get everything for free. So now I'm supposed to go without TV and internet to pay more taxes so someone with TV and internet can get free drugs?

Wake up people. Get your priorities straight. Listen to yourselves when you talk like this. Why don't you take a recorder (yes that $50+ mp3 player you could afford on your three job salary probably has a voice recorder) and record yourself talking about the things you make too much money to get for free. Then listen to yourself. If after this exercise you still see nothing wrong with what you are doing/saying you are officially brain dead. Congratulations.

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