Saturday, August 29, 2009

Really Want to Fix Health Care?

Then stop making laws about it. In fact repeal all laws regulating the health insurance industry. It really is quite simple. I hear all these brainwashed idiots running around yelling "get rid of the middle man! Get rid of the middle man!". Good idea. Except the middle man isn't insurance companies. It's the government restricting business practice and their ability to actually offer products that people really want.

If there's an actual market for something, and there ISN'T A BUNCH OF GOVERNMENT RED TAPE PREVENTING IT, it will be offered by someone. The whole point of this is, it will generate money for the people offering it. The problem with government interference is it forces companies to offer things that there is no real demand for, and that drives up costs. The additional mountain of paperwork forces companies to hire more people to fill out said government mandated paperwork. This also drives up costs. Guess who pays for this? Yep, you and I do.

Every time the government gets involved with something, no matter what it is, the costs go up. It's a proven fact that when the government tries to actively run something, it costs 50% more than when a private company tries to run the same thing.

Yet people keep letting the government get involved in business and the private markets. It's a wonder the same people can get through life without bumping into walls and doors on an hourly basis.

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