Monday, August 31, 2009
Hypocritical Politicians Striking Again
This might not be controversial in itself except for the fact that just five years ago they had changed this law regarding a replacement from gubernatorial appointment to special election. Way back then the Democrats were running John Kerry against President Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Fully expecting victory over Bush and a vacant Senate seat as a result, the Democrats wanted to ensure that then governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, could not appoint a Republican to replace Kerry if he indeed won the White House. And now that Massachusetts again has a Democrat for a governor it is apparently okay for the governor to appoint a replacement. So now they want to change it back!
This all in response to the dying plea of Senator Kennedy. The real gas is Kennedy was a big pusher of the change back in 2004. So, in other words, governor appointments are un-American when your governor is NOT of your own party; we have to have an election. Yet appointments are very good when you have a governor on your own side. How convenient. You just have to love it.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Stop the Entitlement Mentality
Okay, let me get this straight. You're complaining because you make too much money to get something from a nanny welfare state program? I've got the perfect solution! Quit all your jobs! Live in a box! Then you should qualify for ALL the welfare programs that working people have to pay for every day. Otherwise can you turn off your cable/satellite TV, drop your Tivo subscription, stop eating out, get rid of your cell phone, walk to the corner store instead of driving down there, turn off your air conditioning or buy a few less pairs of shoes? Then you could actually pay for your drugs and still have money left over.
But oh no, you could never do that. That would be crimping your lifestyle. Or maybe the government (aka me, and everyone else that works and have our own bills) should pay for all that for you too? Maybe you don't make enough money to get that new Coach bag you want? Yes, let's start a government welfare program for that. How much does your friend make in her three jobs so we can have a baseline income level to get the program rolling?
If you want something, pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, don't buy it and go into debt and then complain you have to work three jobs to pay just the interest on your credit cards. I work, and I recently had to cancel my TV and internet at home because I couldn't afford it after my taxes went up drastically. Taxes that support leeches that think they should get everything for free. So now I'm supposed to go without TV and internet to pay more taxes so someone with TV and internet can get free drugs?
Wake up people. Get your priorities straight. Listen to yourselves when you talk like this. Why don't you take a recorder (yes that $50+ mp3 player you could afford on your three job salary probably has a voice recorder) and record yourself talking about the things you make too much money to get for free. Then listen to yourself. If after this exercise you still see nothing wrong with what you are doing/saying you are officially brain dead. Congratulations.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Really Want to Fix Health Care?
If there's an actual market for something, and there ISN'T A BUNCH OF GOVERNMENT RED TAPE PREVENTING IT, it will be offered by someone. The whole point of this is, it will generate money for the people offering it. The problem with government interference is it forces companies to offer things that there is no real demand for, and that drives up costs. The additional mountain of paperwork forces companies to hire more people to fill out said government mandated paperwork. This also drives up costs. Guess who pays for this? Yep, you and I do.
Every time the government gets involved with something, no matter what it is, the costs go up. It's a proven fact that when the government tries to actively run something, it costs 50% more than when a private company tries to run the same thing.
Yet people keep letting the government get involved in business and the private markets. It's a wonder the same people can get through life without bumping into walls and doors on an hourly basis.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Whatever happened to personal responsiblity?
There's a reason why socialism/communism has failed in the past and will continue to fail every time it is attempted no matter what label you want to put on it. There's a reason why capitalism flourishes when it isn't handicapped by governmental interference. Capitalism is totally in tune with human nature, while socialism/communism kills all practical incentives to work hard and efficiently. Socialistic societies lose their smartest and best people to other societies where they can actually be rewarded for what they have to offer.
Capitalism: I may be a cashier at Walmart now, but if I apply for a federal loan/grant and go to school for an actual useful degree I can better my career and lot in life.
Socialism/Communism: I wanted to be a doctor growing up, but why should I go to school for 12+ years, bust my ass for the amount I am eventually going to be compensated by the government for all my hard work? Not to mention the amount of stress once I do actually become a doctor. Maybe I should move to
You cannot force human nature to change.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thanks Mr. President
Stop pushing more government on us. You do NOT know better than we do about how we should live our lives. We're tired of paying more and more in taxes and watching you run up debts at the same time. It's time for less government and less taxes, and more prosperity for everyone.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Why Do We Still Even Have a Congress in Washington?
Why, in this day and age with the technology we have do we still pay to send representatives back and forth to Washington DC? Why do we pay millions to keep the Capitol building secured?
Why can't Senators and Representatives just stay in their own offices in their states and have a massive networked video/audio meeting?
It's bad enough that Congress has turned into a full time job with pay and benefits the average American can only dream about. Oh oops. Therein lies the problem. If Congress didn't get paid to travel back and forth, have special expense accounts, residences, and other things, they wouldn't get to feel and act so superior to We the People, would they?
Some of the outbursts during this health care debacle has shown what they think of us. They think we are stupid, know nothings that need a parental figure (the Government) to take care of us and our families because they know better than us. Well to that I say it's time to bring our elected officials back under our control. Instead of expanding Congressional and government power, it's time to lessen it. Take away their special privileges and expense accounts. Set term limits. Make them responsible for following the same laws they subject the rest of the people to. They're citizens too, not royalty. It's time to remind them of it and bring them back to reality. The Founding Fathers intended Congress to be like jury duty, not elected kings and queens. Do the job of representing the people and go home and do something actually productive to society. AKA stop interfering with everyday people and business. Stop hanging around Washington and making things up to pass into law just to look like you are doing something.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Go Save the Trees and STFU
I used to be a Democrat and left leaning in my thoughts and voting. That was when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. Then a funny thing happened. I had to graduate college and actually get a real job.
Turns out I don't like working all of Monday just to pay for stuff that other people think is important. That's bad enough. I don't want that to turn into Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. That is where we are headed every time we allow the government to get bigger and more expensive. And allowing this ObamaCare thing to become reality will pretty much get us there instantly.
And please don't tell me that Obama said only the rich will be paying (more) taxes. That's what the government said when trying to make the income tax permanently legal too. How's that working out?
So if you want to save the (trees, homeless, animals, whatever) go do it yourself. Donate your money, your time, and God bless you. But don't be sticking your grubby hands in MY pocket to fund your little projects, thanks. You spend your time and money on what you think is important and I'll spend my money on what I think is important. Like feeding my family.
In other words, don't expect to tell me what to do AND expect ME to pay YOU for it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Quick Quiz
1) What is the scariest entity in the following list?
a) Big Oil
b) Big Pharmaceutical Companies
c) Big Retail
d) Big Government
Need a hint? Okay. Here's your hint: the correct answer isn't a, b or c.
For those of you that failed this simple quiz, please return to remedial history class concentrating your studies on early 20th century Europe, particularly Italy and Germany, to rectify your situational lack of sense.
I hear some of you crying "But Big Oil keeps making me pay more and more just to make my car go!"
And to you I say: "Yes, and every time you allow the government to get bigger, government makes you pay more and more in taxes, and they also can put you in jail if you don't do what they tell you to do. "
And when you insist on making government bigger by continuing to vote for the same politicians that want to expand government, there's more and more things they can tell you to do while all the while exempting themselves from it.