Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You're Against Government Run Healthcare?

Then you're not just a racist. You're a racist misogynist too. And it must be true because that genius Harry Reid says so.

In a statement that compared people who are against things like a mathematical formula that puts a monetary value on a human life depending on how healthy you are or what kind of disabilities you may have with people against ending the slave trade and allowing women the right to vote. Historically of course, it was the Democratic party that was against ending segregation and civil rights, but anyone smart enough to come here to read this already knows that.

I don't know about you, but it seems to me, logically that stance hasn't changed much. Except now the Democrats are for discriminating against people with disabilities and other conditions with pushing this government run health care with the built in formula for determining who gets care and who doesn't. Yes, the famous death panels, or rationing of care. It's funny how easy it is to see through the lies and rhetoric when you actually pay attention and use logic to deconstruct what is said and what actually is written in these bills, isn't it?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Still Alive and Kicking...

Haven't posted here since Election night, but I haven't been carted off by the same people that are trying to suppress our right to voice our opposition. I've just been engaging people around me in person rather than spending the time on here. Between that and keeping up with the daily new things this administration is throwing at us is almost a full time job in itself.

Everybody has been talking about the decision to bring those confessed terrorists to trail in the States. I don't think I need to say anything more, as any sane person knows this is a mistake, and turns historical precedent of prosecuting acts of war on its head. But of course that's what this administration is all about. Doing things exactly the opposite of how they've always been done. Because they say so.

But what really caught my eye this past week was a statistic. It was the fact that only about 8% of private sector workers are now unionized. This compares to almost 33% of government workers. When you find this out, you realize exactly why the union bosses have thrown in with the Democrats. Union bosses fill their coffers with dues, and if government workers are more unionized than private sector, then it makes sense to get in bed with the party of government, doesn't it? Screw over the private sector, promote government takeovers (health industry, automotive industry), get more members, then they can fill their coffers even more, give more money to the liberals, get them elected more and more, and the cycle starts to resemble that spiral of dirty bathwater going down the drain. Too bad it's the country going down the drain and not liberals and their policies once and for all....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christie Wins

In a sign of hope in this hopelessly liberal state, Chris Christie has become governor-elect (49%-44%) with 97% of the vote in. In a counter-weight to that, voters approved yet more borrowing to the tune of 400 million dollars in the referendum for the "purchase of open spaces" 51%-49%.

More borrowing does not equal lower taxes, people.

On the whole however, this is a victory. A five point win for a Republican in NJ is about the equivalent of the 20% margin down in Virginia. Dems in Congress, take note. You are in the cross-hairs politically speaking, for 2010.

Election Day

Well, the day is finally here when we get to take out our frustrations at the polls. I went early to get it done; I've been looking forward to this for about two months now.

I'm keeping a close eye on the governor races (especially the one here in NJ) and the special elections in California and New York. It's my hope that this is a repeat of 1993, and next year is 1994. Except this time, when the primaries roll around next year, we need to make sure the Republican party is represented by conservatives and not Fifth Column Republicans who are more interested in looking good to the lib media than actually doing what's right for our states and nation.

If you haven't voted yet, make sure you get out there and get it done. Even if you don't have a "big" race going on, it's still important that you make your voice heard in the local and state legislature contests. Every vote in your council or legislature matters in these perilous times.

Oh, and for all you idiots buying the line coming out of the lib media already that today isn't going to be a referendum on Obama, get your head out of your ass and wake up. I've seen Biden and Obama on TV and in my own state campaigning hard for these candidates because they KNOW how important it is to their image and that is IS a referendum upon them and their policies.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Moving Right Along...

I've been away busy with moving, but as of next week I should be somewhat settled again. I only mention this because it is relevant to the content of this blog. I live in the corruption-tax happy state of New Jersey, and the town that I was living in jacked up the taxes this past year an insane amount. Insane even for a good economy, let alone what is going on now. People are losing their jobs, or taking jobs making much less than they were two years ago and government keeps on spending like the cash is flowing in at a record rate. It is just yet another example of how government is beyond out of touch with reality. Tax and spenders keep raising taxes, keep spending, keep lining their and their friends' pockets and then wonder why tax revenue is going down. Well, it's because people are moving out of town, and out of state. And it's why keeping some semblance of federalism alive is so important. Because once you can't escape the outrageous taxes because it's the federal government getting you instead of a state like New Jersey, Massachussetts or California, there is no escape.

I will soon be moving out of this god-forsaken state myself as soon as I can arrange it. For now however I will take solace in the fact that I am now only going to be paying a share of one tax bill as I am now living with someone else.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CNN "Fact Checks" SNL Skit?

If this doesn't convince you how in the tank the media is for this president, then I doubt anything can. They go and "fact check" the recent SNL skit that barely even scraped at the failures of this president. Seriously, I think I live in some mirror/bizarro world these days where everything is so seriously opposite of what it should be, that you think you're stuck in some nightmare you can't wake up from. The skit was more taking Obama to task for not completing the radical left-wing agenda more than anything else. I will allow however they mentioned Afghanistan and it being worse, giving them some credit. Perhaps CNN and the other liberal-statist-controlled media should "fact check" real world events like the impact this takeover of health care would have on the quality of life of American citizens, how much it would really increase the deficit... oh I could go on, but here is just one part of this madness:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just a Quick Thought for Today

Just a quick thought for today...

How can C02, carbon dioxide, be a pollutant? The liberal-environmentalist kooks love their trees, don't they? Well, trees need CO2 to live. So are trees good, or are they big polluted things that thrive on pollution?

And while I'm at it, I guess I'll go ahead and put my tin foil hat on and ask the question, since we as biological organisms, exhale C02, how long will it be until the government mandates that we wear special breathing aparatuses to catch that evil pollution that we exhale with every breath?

Where does government stop these days and our freedom begin?

Friday, October 2, 2009

263,000 More Jobs Lost

The report out today continues to show that the economy is hardly "coming back from the brink" as our illustrious president has claimed. 263,000 more people lost their jobs in September. I haven't bothered tuning into the drive-by media to see what kind of spin they're trying to put on this month's numbers, but since it's higher than last month, and well over the forecast number, I'm sure whatever it is they had to brainstorm very hard indeed. On the other hand, I'll do my best guess and say they're probably trying to say how great the fact that last month's number was revised from 216,000 jobs lost to "only" 201,000. Just a hunch though.

So what about the unemployment percentage? The reported number was 9.8%, up another 0.1% from last month. But again this doesn't even begin to tell you the real story. Thousands upon thousands of people recently exhausted the last of their unemployment claim money and are not even counted in those numbers. Neither are people who are now working part-time but want to be working full-time. When you take all these people into account, the actual number could be approaching 20%. The recent numbers on youth unemployment, those aged 16-24, is a whopping 52.2%. Yet you hardly hear that number in the network media, if you hear it at all. Yet in 1982 when it was half that, they were trumpeting it as a sign of failure by then president Ronald Reagan.

So now what Mr. Obama? If the porkulus hadn't been passed, the number would have been 2,630,000 instead? Oh right. He's too busy in Denmark pitching for the Olympics to make his slumlord pal Jarrett and all their friends in Chicago even more rich to be bothered with such a low priority as job loss in the US. I forgot. On the bright side, I guess when the Olympics do start, more people will be jobless, so they'll be home and watching the Olympics. If they don't have to sell their televisions so they can eat. Or get kicked out of their apartments and houses because they can't make rent or the mortgage payments. Yeah, on second thought I guess that isn't such a bright side...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Slow Death of Federalism

It's been a long, slow, death march for federalism as the rough hands of the statist thugs drag it to the gallows.

The reality in American government today is so distorted from what the Founders had worked so hard to build that I highly doubt they'd even recognize this country today as the one they created.

Today the federal government blackmails the States and wields authority over them using the financial carrot and stick that may as well be an iron cudgel. It used to be that if one State placed an unfair burden on any citizen or group of citizens, they could move to another State and escape the high taxes or targeted legislation. When the federal government gets the power over you, you cannot escape without giving up on the country entirely. And then where will you go?

As we watch the social experimentation states such as California teeter on the edge of collapse, the federal government wants the power to do all of that and more, and when the collapse comes, both financial and of our liberty, we will not be able to escape it.

William Buckley once said he'd rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than 2,000 faculty members at Harvard. Well I would rather be governed by the first 535 names in my phone book than this insane Congress. The point is that a random number of people taken out of your local phone book are much more likely to share your concerns being in your own community than some detached elitist at some stuffy university or in federal government. Just because they have a PhD. doesn't mean they know what's best for anybody other than themselves. Professors and politicians certainly don't know what's better for me than I do. Those professors and politicians that think they do are nothing more than an aristocracy in waiting using words and studies full of skewed "facts" to convince you to give over your liberty to them, their ideas, for the "greater good". (Look at the federal Congress today. How many of them already walk around like they are royalty? How many already ignore you?)

When you allow someone that has no idea who you are, or what your concerns are to govern you, you enable them to do to you what they will, all the while believing they are doing what's best for you. This is one of the many reasons why the federal government was supposed to have power over limited things such as printing currency, foreign relations, and raising the military, and the individual States and the people were to take care of everything else. The federal government, as designed by the Constitution of the United States, was to have little to NO impact on the lives on the individual citizen. It's much harder for State officials to ignore you. They live in your state. And it is even more difficult for local officials to ignore you. They live in your town. Yet we keep giving more and more power to people who can so easily ignore us and have no real interest on the impact some new law has on us, because they live no where near us.

Yet here we are, in 2009 and you cannot escape the oily fingers of the federal government. And now they want to dictate to you your health insurance, your doctor, and following that it will be what you eat, what physical activity you do... because you are overweight (or will be) and cost everybody more in taxes...

Keep it up people. Let's see if by the 300th birthday of the nation we can make this place truly unrecognizable.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Politicians and Spam Marketers

I was sitting here thinking today as I am known to do. Thinking about our illustrious president and his campaign speeches (and subsequent ones after inauguration that may as well be called campaign speeches) and how they sound so similar to the crap I have to clean out of my e-mail box daily.

"Obama is going to heal the divisions of this country..."

"This magical herbal supplement will make you lose 30 pounds in two hours..."

Most of us can ignore the crap when it slips by the filter and ends up in our in box. So why did so many people fall for the same scam crap-talk from Obama?

I suppose it's because just over half the country really wanted to believe the guy was the friendly centrist he made himself out to be for most of the time on the campaign trail and were blissfully ignorant to the fact that he was a radical statist. They missed the "subtle" clues when he said things like "mandatory volunteerism" and "spread the wealth around" (read: higher taxes on everyone who pays them now). Unfortunately ignorance and stupidity often have the same results.
And now we are stuck with a president that is trying to take away your health care, and is too busy jetting off on a vacation to Denmark with his wife with this Olympic excuse while our troops in Afghanistan die while waiting on Obama to send the reinforcements HIS general has asked for.

So were YOU paying attention? Or did you get suckered into the Hopey Changey Spam Mail and buy the scam?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear Statist,

Big government is a failure. No matter what you call it, or yourselves, it has been a failure time and time again.

You call yourselves liberals. You call yourselves progressives. But what you really are shows quite clearly when examined closely enough. You are anti-individualistic brain washers whose love of the state borders upon a religion in itself. You are statist.

Communism has failed. National socialism has failed. Fascism has failed. Economic socialism has failed. You and your ideas have failed time and time again yet you continue to believe that *this* time around you will devise the "perfect" system. This fact alone speaks volumes of you and your ilk. That you could possibly believe that you as an imperfect human being could devise a perfect system is at best flawed, and at worst, lunacy. And looking at some of the people that you adore such as Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I tend to believe it is the latter.

Capitalism and the individual have combined to create the richest and most powerful nation on the earth ever to be seen. We are not the ones that need to follow the rest of the world. It's the rest of the world that needs to come to grips with the failures of your ideas, dear Statist.

Might I suggest you follow one of those things you and your kind are so big on, and visit a therapist? Confronting your failures and reality and dispelling the delusions you are possessed by could very well cure you.

Best regards,

a reformed statist turned conservative

Monday, September 21, 2009

Two Questions for the Readers

1) What do you think of Rush Limbaugh?


2) Have you formed this opinion by actually listening to him at least once, or have you formed that opinion through listening to what morons like Andrea Mitchell say?

Everyone I talk to on a daily basis I ask this now whenever the conversation steers remotely toward politics. And the two answers I inevitably get from liberals are

1) Oh he [sucks, is the devil, is the biggest racist ever]


2) Uh well no I haven't listened to him by why would I want to listen to his hate speak? I hear enough of it second hand. (Or some other very similar response).

And of course since last week everyone is raving about how he supposedly put the idea of segregating school buses after a bunch of black kids attacked a white kid on a school bus.

Except as usual people get worked up over what the liberal media decides to report to them. Too bad the segregated buses thing was part of a sarcastic play on a Newsweek article that basically said that all white babies are racist by six months old.

So anyway, after asking these questions to people, and #2 is no they have never listened, I challenge them to do so at least one day that week. I know that total lobotomized liberals will never do it or still hear what they want to hear if by chance they did, I know that anyone who still has their brain intact will hear something quite different from the convenient liberal translation they normally get in the media.

I know I did. And it was one of many things that helped open my eyes up to what goes on in the world of so-called journalism these days.

Limbaugh may primarily be an entertainer (and not the Almighty Leader of the Republican party, as liberals like to parrot), but listening to him would still open up quite a few eyes among the population. And it might also just get a laugh out of them as well. Especially when they watch their nightly newscast and hear how they totally distort what he said that day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Liberals Exposed

You know, I get really tired of listening to liberals whine and cry and throw around nasty insults and then pretend that they are the enlightened ones who are above the fray.

I get tired of liberals pretending that conservatives are racist elitist narcissists when it is in fact, they who are these things.

Who wants to totally destroy the health care system in this country and remake it modeled after such stupendous failures such as Great Britain's and Canada's systems?
Who thinks that just because they know so much better, and are so much smarter that socialized medicine will magically work for them when it has failed every time it has been tried? Liberals.

Who keeps screaming racism at the drop of a hat causing more strife and division, and promoting non-integration while at the same time claiming to be the ones who want peace and joy among all people? Liberals.

Who claims to abhor violence yet have no problem visiting violence upon those who do not share their views? Liberals.

(The beating of a black conservative by union thugs is just one example of a liberal double standard-double whammy -- but of course this violence was condoned and NOT racist because he was a conservative).

Who said "Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?" (inferring to the need for an assassination of President Bush)? A liberal.

Who is always trying to expand the role of government into the lives of every single citizen because they think the average person is too stupid to do things for themselves? Liberals.

Who promotes killing unborn children yet fights tooth and nail to save convicted murderers? Liberals.

Who are the people who get into a frenzy over what somebody said they heard from somebody on the TV said somebody said (as opposed to actually going and finding out what the original person supposedly said)? Liberals.

I could go on and on, but it's football Sunday and I'd rather partake in that than complain all day long -- I might start to sound like a liberal.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Secret's Out

People are finally finding out what the whole politically correct thing is about. All these years that the left has been indoctrinating people via the media and public schools on political correctness has been in anticipation for this moment in history. And now they are bringing it out in full force in a deplorable attempt to silence any and all dissent to this administration's policies. It's what it has been about from the very beginning. A weapon against anybody who does not agree with their leftist agenda.

The race card has been liberal's primary weapon for decades now. And for the longest time it has worked; it was used to keep racist policies like affirmative action in place long after the need for such reverse-racist thinking needs to exist. This is the twenty-first century people. We have a black president. We don't need "quotas" for minorities in business. Yet it's been kept in place because if you aren't in favor of affirmative action you are racist.

But now people are waking up to this. When PC and the race card are used to try to stifle peoples' right to criticize the government, people are going to notice. And it's going to break more and more people out of the brainwashing they've endured over the past few decades.

This president has done the exact opposite of what he's promised in so many ways. But the two things he's doing that is going to hurt everyone in this country are his continued pursuit of destroying private business, and his apparent lack of interest that he is dividing this country further racially than it's been in decades due to his refusal to diffuse the drive-by media's rampant dropping of the race card. The president's minions' half-hearted attempts to play down this the past couple days is not a good enough statement. The president himself must come out and say so himself. Use one of these daily television appearances to do something useful for once.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More on Republicans and the Two Party System

I've never been a fan of the two party system. Even when I was still a brainwashed liberal, I never registered Democrat. And taking a look at the state of the Republican party these days, when I moved and had to re-register to vote, I didn't register as a Republican either. For the longest time I've thought that the United States needed a viable third party. If I had my way all the RINOs like John McCain and Olympia Snowe would follow Arlen Specter down the winding left road to the Democratic party. Or for the actual conservatives that are still in the party to just leave and start a real Conservative party. But since neither of those are going to happen I've decided it's better for people like me to register Republican so we can get rid of these idiots during primary season.

It's something that needs to be done not only on the national stage, but even more importantly on the state and local levels. This slow floating to the left of the GOP is what has made it so susceptible to heavy losses over the past few election cycles. It hasn't just been about GWB. John McCain lost the 2008 presidential election because when uninformed, undecided people looked at him and Obama they saw pretty much the same "moderate" politician and more likely than not went with Obama just in the hope that he was going to be something different. Well, we all know how that is working out. Hell, I was informed about Obama and knew he was a radical, and I still had a hard time getting out and voting because McCain made me feel dirty just because he might as well be a Democrat himself. But at least he wasn't a radical left-wing Democrat.

The point is after that long rambling paragraph is what most conservatives already know but the party just doesn't seem to get: that the GOP needs to get back to the party roots and actually start nominating real conservatives again. They would be amazed at the results.

Monday, September 14, 2009

More on Chicken Little

Here's a radical idea: Why don't we actually play up a real threat to the United States and western civilization as we know it? Something that is happening now. Something that is going to affect us in 15 or 25 years, not 150 or 250.

It's the double slam-dunk of falling birth rates and the loss of identity due to liberalism and the transformation of people from self-reliant citizens to wards of the state.

In parts of Europe, notably Russia, Eastern Europe, Greece, Italy and Spain, the birthrate has become so low, that the population of some nations will be halving a little over each generation. That sort of presents a problem as to who is going to work to fund the welfare state that Europe is.

Europe has already felt the tip of the iceberg of the consequences of relying on immigration of people from North Africa and the Middle East. Forty percent of these immigrants end up permanently on the welfare system, and the refusal of these people to integrate into European society along with the Europeans' birthrates is going to sound the death knell for these countries identity in its entirety. But who cares right? So long as those checks and state health care keep on coming.

People have had their will and identity so drained by the social liberal nanny state that they can't even be bothered to breed anymore. And those that may still want to can't afford to because of the fact that the tax structure in the welfare state just doesn't reward families. It punishes them. Faced with their extinction as a people and culture, they'll apologize themselves out of existence before actually finding the balls to do anything about it.

And this is the path that the current administration has laid out for us, to follow the Europeans into the abyss.

I'd say that's a bit more of something to worry about than Global Cooling (oh wait that was thirty years ago, now it's Warming).

This is the REAL population bomb.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

#912DC More Than a Success

I wasn't really sure to expect as like many other people who were there, I have never really been involved in protests/rallies. But the overwhelming number of people yesterday let every one of us know that there are many, many people just like us who are absolutely sick of government spending out hard earned money on stupid BS, waste, corruption, and crony pay-offs. I'm not going to get into putting any kind of exact number on how many were there, but let's just say you could have filled more than a few football stadiums with the people. And for each one of us that was there, there were even more that couldn't make it to DC. It has been a very large inspiration for all of us, and the movement against big government is only going to gain momentum from here.

I got back last night to see liberals panicking and trying to downplay the numbers. People who weren't even there. And of course there was the obligatory derision and name-calling in every comment. Seeing all of this so clearly now really makes me wonder what I was thinking for so long as I followed along with those lemmings...

If you are one of the many who depend upon the drive-by media to let you know what's going on and haven't seen the pictures, Michelle Malkin posted a few good ones on her site.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Sky is Falling!

[NOTE] This post has been pre-scheduled due to my presence at the protests in Washington. I'll be back tomorrow for updates on it.

With liberals, every day it is something else. Global warming. Swine flu. Doctors in a mass conspiracy to steal your feet. Oh my God if we don't do SOMETHING RIGHT NOW we are all DOOMED! When does it stop?

I'm tired of every day there being a crisis to distract us from what really matters. The constant fear mongering is a direct plot to get people to fear making any decision for themselves and giving that power up to the benevolent government to make the right choice for them.

Well people like me are finally waking up to this. It's something else I have to thank the President for. With his massive over reach in power, he's set off enough alarm bells that normal every day people that don't pay attention to politics are waking up to the reality of the situation around them.

52% of people voted for "hope and change". Now more than that, 54% have woken up and realized a very big mistake was made last November. It's just a shame the alternative to the radicals we have in power right now are wishy-washy Charlie Browns.

If I had my way, all of Congress would just go home and stay there. This country would be much better off if no new laws were made at all and people and the markets were able to run the country the way it was meant to be run: without government red tape and interference. And from what I've seen and read lately, more and more people agree with that sentiment and it gives me hope for this country yet.

Meanwhile the media is still hoping for a massive hurricane to slam the US somewhere to distract everyone from their beloved Obama from being exposed for what he really is more and more every day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 : It's not about your personal or political agenda

Eight years. Sometimes it seems like yesterday. Other times as I watch the bickering and abuse of the day and deaths as just another pawn in personal and political agendas, I wonder if it wasn't a lifetime ago instead.

Personally, today I choose to honor both the fallen and those who continue to fight to keep us safe in the fields abroad. For a short six months after our great nation was attacked by radical Islam, we came together as a country. Then we allowed the two main political parties in the country to steer us both back the few petty things that divide us instead of the countless things that unite us as Americans. I reflect upon all of this.

The next time you hear the media or defeatist politicians bemoaning the latest deaths of our warriors in the field I ask you to consider this: Since 2001, our total military deaths both combat and non-combat related in Afghanistan and Iraq total under 5100. That's about 5100 trained military men and women in just under eight years. Then remember that over 3000 civilians died in one day on 9/11/2001. Not military men. Civilian mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives who just went to work that morning. When you compare 5100 military deaths in eight years to 3000 civilian deaths in one day, and further consider that those military personnel are fighting on foreign soil taking fire from terrorists so that you and I do not have to do so again here, how can anybody justify the surrender attitude of the left and others? When you take the time to put it in proper perspective, the surrender moaning seems beyond silly doesn't it?

Never forget that day and how it made you feel. Don't forget who did it, and the pictures of their supporters rejoicing around the world. Don't surrender. They will only follow us home. And next time it may be even more than 3000 people who die in an even larger calamity when they do.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conservative Americans: The Silent Majority

Conservatives are the hard workers in America. They actually hold down jobs, raise families, and do all the other things that have kept this country together and made it great for the past 230 years.

Unfortunately these are also the things that make us feel like we are in the minority these days. We are bombarded by images of liberal activists by the mainstream media. Every talking point, whether from Democrats or Republicans sounds more or less liberal anymore.

The recent boisterous protests against the Democrat "health reform" plan has encouraged me. I hope it has encouraged you as well. Not just passively, either. It should be a wake up call for all of us to get more involved and be more vocal in politics. Politics. It's not just for the political class. Politics affect us all whether we want to admit or not, and when we don't get involved we are left behind. Whether you get involved or not, your taxes are still going up, and your children and grandchildren are being sold into slavery by this out of control Government that all of us are responsible for. Either through direct action (the liberal "progressives") or inaction.

Don't be the silent majority any longer. Don't expect other people to do the work for you. You can see where that has gotten us. Over a trillion dollar deficit this year alone, and a national debt spiraling out of control. The interest payments alone are now over 26 BILLION dollars a MONTH. It's time to stop this madness. I for one am joining the protest in Washington this weekend. I am taking time out of my schedule and spending my Saturday taking action instead of sitting around just typing on here, or even spending time with my family. Because I know how important this is. I'd rather be home, just like most of you. But I've woken up and shaken off the chains that progressive liberals are trying to snap shut on us. It's time for you to do the same as well before it's too late.

At Least Joe Wilson has a Pair

Perhaps the timing was a bit off. Perhaps it wasn't polite. But this isn't the Oxford debating club. This issue is going to impact every single person in this country for a very, very long time. Or until the country finally collapses under the weight of its debt; a result coming ever closer. I for one am glad that at least one Republican has spoken up when people were actually listening. The time for polite rolling over to whatever the President wants to do is what is over. Not the time for debate. Not by a very long shot. And I doubt I'm the only one that has this view. Mr. Wilson's site on House.gov has been down site last night due to high traffic. I'm willing to be more than half have been trying to convey to him what I've said here.

For those of you who are getting all worked up over Rep. Wilson calling Obama a liar, please refer to the part of the speech the President had just finished before Rep. Wilson spoke out. You know, the part where Obama basically called all Republicans liars.

What's good for the goose is also good for the gander my friends.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Legislative Insanity on Health Care

Do Democrats know the meaning of the saying the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? I don't think they do.

Now Senator Max Baucus has proposed levying fees against insurance companies to help pay for "reform". As usual, this is playing to the class envy that people who do not know what personal responsibility is in order to garner support for an idiotic idea.

After all you liberals are done cheering "down with insurance companies! They should pay!", tell me this: Do you really think that insurance companies are just going to suck it up and pay this "fee"? For those of us that live in the real world we know the answer is no. They will raise premiums even higher to recoup the lost money thereby showing once again why government intervention and regulation RAISES costs instead of lowering them.

Yet people keep on supporting government involvement in everything then wonder why costs are going up. Oh yeah. It's those greedy bastard big corporations that raise rates for no good reason other than because they want more people to not be able to afford their product, then get blamed for it and have to pay a fee in order to help pay for those people who can't afford their product and then... well just go back to the beginning and keep reading this until you keel over and die because it's a never-ending loop. And unlike government, I have important things to do and can't sit here typing that over and over again.

It's time to wake up to the real people responsible for expensive health care: regulation-happy politicians and trial lawyers. Stop allowing these blowhard politicians to raise your costs, then turn around five years later and point the finger at somebody else.

And on top of that he also wants to fine you thousands of dollars if you don't have health insurance. I'm sorry, when did the Constitution give you the right to tell me what to buy and what not to? Yet they keep saying this "health care reform" isn't government takeover and intrusion into our lives and freedoms. Right.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Wants to Raise your Children Now

It's bad enough public schools are already too busy teaching important things like multiculturalism and global warming instead of less important things like math, science and English. Now the President wants to address your children and tell them what they should be doing since obviously parents are too stupid to be doing that themselves.

Now we can talk about how heads of state are seen and heard in schools in third world dictatorships and not free societies, but that's a whole different argument.

The point is the President and other government officials have no business lecturing to impressionable children whether it's about politics or not. It's not government's place in a free society to interfere and influence children.

How would you like it if I came into your house uninvited and started lecturing your children on how to live, and how to behave? Yeah, I thought so.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day Indeed

Isn't it ironic that we celebrate what the labor unions brought to the table by taking a day off and not doing any work? I wonder how that's different from any other "work" day for them these days?

Yes, yes. Labor unions were needed last century and did help improve working conditions in this country. That said, their time is past. Just like everything else that becomes large, unwieldy and corrupt, labor unions are nothing more than large money sinks that cause more harm than good to both business AND workers in the 21st century.

And I'm not the only one with this view. More than half of Americans now view labor unions unfavorably.

People have finally seen the consequences of unions in the downfall of Chrysler and Government Motors along with the struggles of Ford. They've seen union goons beating up old people at town hall meetings. They see that unions have gotten far away from their original intent of protecting their workers to attacking ordinary Americans, both physically and in government. Their leaders push agendas in government like ObamaCare that are bad for not only ordinary non-union citizens, but also will be bad for their members too down the road when their private benefits disappear as well. And for what? The promise of Democratic support for "card check". The union leadership is only concerned in increasing their ranks in order to keep filling the coffers, not about you, not about me, and not even their workers.

Wealth Redistribution is Legalized THEFT

Here's a scenario for you. You are walking down the street. A man comes around the corner and points a gun at you and demands your wallet/purse. He opens your wallet and takes out 50% of your money and gives your wallet back before taking off.
After getting over the shock of him taking only half your money, what do you do?

Do you stand there and say to yourself: well he's going to use the money he stole from me to pay his sick mother's health care bills?

How about: he's going to use the money he stole from me to give to a homeless person?

No. You call the cops and report the crime and hope he's caught before he can rob someone else. You feel violated and afraid to go out again.

How is this different from what the government does to your paycheck every week?
I have an answer for you: you'll probably never see that man with the gun again, but you can bet your bottom that the government will be back again next week to rob you again.

Wealth distribution is legalized theft and you allow it by voting liberals into office that push harder and harder for this. And now with Obama and Pelosi and crew, it's gonna into overdrive.

Yes, the government needs to tax to pay for certain things. However these certain things are things that should benefit every American. The military is something that needs to be paid for that benefits every American. And it's pretty much one of the only things the federal government should be taxing you for to pay for.

But the last few decades we've allowed the federal government to rob us to pay for things we'll never see a dime of return in. Everybody paying taxes to fund a bill that pays for removing tattoos of gang members (one of the many provisions in the "Stimulus" package) is certainly worthy isn't it? I don't know where you live, but we don't have gangs here. I shouldn't have to pay for gang tattoo removal. If you live somewhere that has a problem with gangs and want to give your money away so they can have their tattoos removed, go for it. But I say: I'd rather spend that money on food, clothing or the heating bill, thanks.

And this is just one small example. One of these days trying logging on to the Congressional web site and try actually reading some of these bills they write up and pass. You can see some of the outrageous things your tax dollars are being spent on. Stop being ignorant and apathetic. Get involved. Make a difference. You could be amazed at how low our taxes would be if just the waste spending alone was eliminated.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Note to All You Billionaires/Millionaires

And especially to you Hollywood morons: This isn't a rant of a class envying person. In fact, it's just the opposite. So long as you came into your money through legal means and pay your taxes every April 15, I am happy for you. Enjoy.

When I am not happy for you is when you start going on one of your guilt trips and decide you are an awful person for having so much money when there are so many people who are not so lucky. Then you get on TV and all kinds of other exposure and endorse people for public office who want to take other people's money and give it to somebody else that it doesn't belong to.

My advice to you:

1) Sit down, shut up and enjoy your new yacht. We're only here a little while and you can't take it with you.

2) If you honestly feel so badly that you can't sleep at night, then give all your money and possessions away and go live under a bridge or pledge to become Obama's slave.

My point is, if you want poor people to have money, then give it to them yourself out of your own pocket and stop forcing me to pay more in taxes because YOU feel guilty. As I said, you can go live under a bridge if you want, I do NOT want to be there next to you.

Typical guilt-ridden rich person: "I feel so guilty. Weshould do something about it!"

Note how the "I" becomes "We".

Well I'll tell you: I'm not rich. But when I bring home a paycheck at the end of the week there's still about 30% of it missing between federal taxes, state taxes and other taxes. That's not to mention the sales tax I have to pay whenever I buy something on top of all that.

I'm not rich but yet still almost a third of my money that I work hard for disappears every week to go to someone else that either doesn't work or has not enough respect for themselves to work to better their situation in life. Newsflash people: there are people who do not want to work and think society owes them a living. Going down that road is going to be the ruination of this country and we're already starting to get up to cruising speed.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Since When are Job Losses Good News?

The liberal media seems to be doing their utmost to put a positive spin on the continued tanking of the economy and job losses.

Last month the media gushed over how "only" 247,000 jobs were lost. Then it comes out yesterday the number was really 276,000. Do you think they bothered to mention that? Of course not. They were too busy trying to put a positive spin on this month's loss of 216,000 more jobs.

Here's one line in particular from Reuters: U.S. job losses fell to their lowest level in a year last month, but the unemployment rate jumped to a 26-year high, painting a mixed picture ....

A mixed picture? What?

Let me get this straight. We just lost 216,000 more jobs in this country, bringing the government reported unemployment rate to 9.7% (higher than expected) and the worst employment situation since 1983, and this is a "mixed picture"?

Boy I'd hate to see a totally depressing picture painted by the liberal media. Oh wait, when "evil incarnate" George Bush was president it was panic and all darkness and up in arms when we "only" created 5 digit jobs one month. Does anyone remember that?

The last time I checked, job creation was good news. Just amazing.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Liberals: "You're Too Stupid"

"You're too stupid to know what's best for you."

That's the implicit liberal declaration in just about every one of their policies. Implicit that is, until someone decides they're wrong and what they're pushing is not best for them and their family. Then the implicit feel good rainbow speeches become vicious and specific personal attacks upon you and/or your family because you dare to disagree with them.

So are you too stupid to take care of yourself and your family? I'm not, and I doubt there are very many people out there that don't know what's better for their family than some bureaucrat
sitting behind a desk somewhere whose only real concern is drawing his federal paycheck and benefits because that helps their family.

But that's the rallying cry. Government knows better than you. Government will protect you from the big bad companies that just want to take your money. And people keep falling for it because they keep believing there is a such thing as a free lunch.

I don't know about you, but corporations don't take my money unless I willingly give it to them in exchange for a product or service I want. The government takes my money every payday and I rarely see anything out of it I want or need.

Yes, the government knows best and has my best interests at heart indeed.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Let's Keep Rewarding Failure

Why is it we keep throwing money at failing institutions and ideas?

The public school system is one of the biggest failures of this nation. Yet year after year we keep throwing more and more money into it. American students are near the bottom in nearly every standardized testing category by the end of secondary (high) school when compared to other industrialized nations.

The "Stimulus" program is another example of this. Monies are directed toward failing areas and programs. In other words, we are rewarding failure. Hello? Aren't you supposed to reward success?

Do you reward a child that doesn't clean his room? Or do you punish him? Do you reward someone for murdering a person? (Well, yes liberals think we should reward murderers... it's why they give them weekend furloughs from prison and gigantic book deals). We continue to reward failure even as we continue to see the results of rewarding failure to be... you got it. More failure!

If a business, industry, or town/area fails, it's for a reason. It's because policies and decisions made were poor and the results are showing. Propping up such business/industry (bailouts), or areas ("stimulus") just exacerbates the problem. If somebody knows that every time they get into trouble financially even if it's their fault, the government will come rescue them, what incentive is there to actually make good decisions and be responsible? The answer is simple: there isn't any. And it's why the Clinton bailouts of the savings and loans in the 90s, and the Bush/Obama bailouts of the financial industry and car industry of the last two years will encourage companies to continue to make lousy business decisions because they can be confident that the federal government will be there to save them at the expense of our tax dollars.

Until we get back to the tried and true method of rewarding success and re-introducing things such as competition and responsibility into all of these systems including schools, we will continue to see the failures pile up, the the costs to us as taxpayers continue to soar.

It's just common sense. And it's why people who have common sense and an actual brain they are able to use wonder if this really is some kind of conspiracy to make people unable to fend for themselves and totally dependent on the government for every aspect of their lives.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nobody Cares about your Online Petition

And if they do, they're just more lazy couch potatoes like yourself. If you really want to do something important, get off your ass, out of your house and actually get people together where they're actually seen and heard by people that make the rules about what you oppose. Having 20 real and visible people is actually going to have more of an effect than 20,000 "online petition signatures". You know why? Because online stuff can be easily faked and dismissed. When you actually have real people where they can be seen and heard; their dissatisfaction evident, that is a lot harder to ignore.

Your online page about an issue is a good start. But that's all it is. If you really have a lot of people that care about what you care about, get them to band together "in real life". Write letters to your legislators, hold a peaceful protest in a public place where you can be seen, work to get more people involved. If your cause is actually worthwhile, more people will join you when you put more effort into exposing your issue.

Oh and when you actually get out, don't make fools of yourselves by breaking things, starting fires and leaving your trash behind when you're done. You do want to bring positive attention to your cause, right?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No, I'm not a Republican

But thanks for playing. I wouldn't want to associate myself with the wishy-washy, Charlie Brown nature of today's Republican party. People like Senator John McCain make me want to vomit. And I'm not the only one.

When articles are written in liberal biased media sources marveling that you are voting with your own party, there's something seriously wrong there.

I don't want to be associated with people that have no balls to stand up for what they believe in and not dilute good core conservativism with liberal policies. While compromise is sometimes necessary, you negotiate from a position of strength, not douche-bag weakness of "can't we all just be friends" liberal mentality.

The American people are busy fighting against this giant government intrusion of their personal freedom and liberty that this administration is calling "health care reform". The people have pushed the liberal agenda back on its heels. What does John McCain do? He comes out and undermines the whole thing by going on one of his "I want to work with my friends across the aisle..blahbnlahbnlahblahblah" rants. Senator McCain, please shut up. If the liberals want to commit political suicide by continuing to push something the majority of the nation does not want, let them do it. Don't get involved. You just allow the liberals to take you and the Republican party down with them. It's why the Republican party is pretty much a dead thing barely shuffling along at this point. You are indistinguishable from liberals because you continue to try to work with them instead of fighting back with the ideas of smaller government, less intrusion, lower taxes, et al.

When the Republican party gets its cajones back and stands up with what the party was founded on, perhaps then I might be able to identify myself as a formerly brainwashed liberal turned Republican. Until then, I'll just use the first part to idenitify myself.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hypocritical Politicians Striking Again

This time in Massachusetts. With the death of Senator Kennedy, Democrats now want to change the state law so the Democratic governor can appoint a new Democrat to fill the vacant Senate seat. The goal of course is to get the Democrats back to the 60 votes they need to ram any bill down the throats of the American people.

This might not be controversial in itself except for the fact that just five years ago they had changed this law regarding a replacement from gubernatorial appointment to special election. Way back then the Democrats were running John Kerry against President Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Fully expecting victory over Bush and a vacant Senate seat as a result, the Democrats wanted to ensure that then governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, could not appoint a Republican to replace Kerry if he indeed won the White House. And now that Massachusetts again has a Democrat for a governor it is apparently okay for the governor to appoint a replacement. So now they want to change it back!

This all in response to the dying plea of Senator Kennedy. The real gas is Kennedy was a big pusher of the change back in 2004. So, in other words, governor appointments are un-American when your governor is NOT of your own party; we have to have an election. Yet appointments are very good when you have a governor on your own side. How convenient. You just have to love it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stop the Entitlement Mentality

I was listening to one of the more popular political programs the other day and a caller complained about how her friend "had to" work three jobs and then got "punished" because she then made too much money to "qualify for free medicine".

Okay, let me get this straight. You're complaining because you make too much money to get something from a nanny welfare state program? I've got the perfect solution! Quit all your jobs! Live in a box! Then you should qualify for ALL the welfare programs that working people have to pay for every day. Otherwise can you turn off your cable/satellite TV, drop your Tivo subscription, stop eating out, get rid of your cell phone, walk to the corner store instead of driving down there, turn off your air conditioning or buy a few less pairs of shoes? Then you could actually pay for your drugs and still have money left over.

But oh no, you could never do that. That would be crimping your lifestyle. Or maybe the government (aka me, and everyone else that works and have our own bills) should pay for all that for you too? Maybe you don't make enough money to get that new Coach bag you want? Yes, let's start a government welfare program for that. How much does your friend make in her three jobs so we can have a baseline income level to get the program rolling?

If you want something, pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, don't buy it and go into debt and then complain you have to work three jobs to pay just the interest on your credit cards. I work, and I recently had to cancel my TV and internet at home because I couldn't afford it after my taxes went up drastically. Taxes that support leeches that think they should get everything for free. So now I'm supposed to go without TV and internet to pay more taxes so someone with TV and internet can get free drugs?

Wake up people. Get your priorities straight. Listen to yourselves when you talk like this. Why don't you take a recorder (yes that $50+ mp3 player you could afford on your three job salary probably has a voice recorder) and record yourself talking about the things you make too much money to get for free. Then listen to yourself. If after this exercise you still see nothing wrong with what you are doing/saying you are officially brain dead. Congratulations.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Really Want to Fix Health Care?

Then stop making laws about it. In fact repeal all laws regulating the health insurance industry. It really is quite simple. I hear all these brainwashed idiots running around yelling "get rid of the middle man! Get rid of the middle man!". Good idea. Except the middle man isn't insurance companies. It's the government restricting business practice and their ability to actually offer products that people really want.

If there's an actual market for something, and there ISN'T A BUNCH OF GOVERNMENT RED TAPE PREVENTING IT, it will be offered by someone. The whole point of this is, it will generate money for the people offering it. The problem with government interference is it forces companies to offer things that there is no real demand for, and that drives up costs. The additional mountain of paperwork forces companies to hire more people to fill out said government mandated paperwork. This also drives up costs. Guess who pays for this? Yep, you and I do.

Every time the government gets involved with something, no matter what it is, the costs go up. It's a proven fact that when the government tries to actively run something, it costs 50% more than when a private company tries to run the same thing.

Yet people keep letting the government get involved in business and the private markets. It's a wonder the same people can get through life without bumping into walls and doors on an hourly basis.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whatever happened to personal responsiblity?

I just have to know. When did we stop being responsible for our own actions and taking care of ourselves? Nobody else should have to make less money because you don't have enough ambition or self-esteem to better yourself and position in life. The whole point of a capitalistic society is that it is perfectly in tune with human nature in that the majority (aka normal) of people want to better themselves and their financial position of themselves and their families. A capitalistic society allows for that through way of hard work and/or entrepreneurship. There of course those that wallow in self-pity at their minimum wage job and expect society to pick up the slack. Why? There are plenty of resources for these people to get off their asses and go to school or training to better themselves and their careers. in the forms of loans and grants. They just don't want to make the effort, or need to see someone about some anti-depressants.

There's a reason why socialism/communism has failed in the past and will continue to fail every time it is attempted no matter what label you want to put on it. There's a reason why capitalism flourishes when it isn't handicapped by governmental interference. Capitalism is totally in tune with human nature, while socialism/communism kills all practical incentives to work hard and efficiently. Socialistic societies lose their smartest and best people to other societies where they can actually be rewarded for what they have to offer.

Capitalism: I may be a cashier at Walmart now, but if I apply for a federal loan/grant and go to school for an actual useful degree I can better my career and lot in life.

Socialism/Communism: I wanted to be a doctor growing up, but why should I go to school for 12+ years, bust my ass for the amount I am eventually going to be compensated by the government for all my hard work? Not to mention the amount of stress once I do actually become a doctor. Maybe I should move to instead.

You cannot force human nature to change.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thanks Mr. President

I just had to take the time to publicly thank the president, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid & Company for giving me the last shove I needed to never vote Democrat again. I used to be a somewhat tepid supporter for some liberal policies, such as the environmental fraud, but this last year has really shown me the fallacy of liberal ideas and the radicalization of the Democratic party.

Stop pushing more government on us. You do NOT know better than we do about how we should live our lives. We're tired of paying more and more in taxes and watching you run up debts at the same time. It's time for less government and less taxes, and more prosperity for everyone.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Do We Still Even Have a Congress in Washington?

Seriously. This isn't one of those rants about how Congress is the opposite of progress. I'm serious here. Think about it.

Why, in this day and age with the technology we have do we still pay to send representatives back and forth to Washington DC? Why do we pay millions to keep the Capitol building secured?
Why can't Senators and Representatives just stay in their own offices in their states and have a massive networked video/audio meeting?

It's bad enough that Congress has turned into a full time job with pay and benefits the average American can only dream about. Oh oops. Therein lies the problem. If Congress didn't get paid to travel back and forth, have special expense accounts, residences, and other things, they wouldn't get to feel and act so superior to We the People, would they?

Some of the outbursts during this health care debacle has shown what they think of us. They think we are stupid, know nothings that need a parental figure (the Government) to take care of us and our families because they know better than us. Well to that I say it's time to bring our elected officials back under our control. Instead of expanding Congressional and government power, it's time to lessen it. Take away their special privileges and expense accounts. Set term limits. Make them responsible for following the same laws they subject the rest of the people to. They're citizens too, not royalty. It's time to remind them of it and bring them back to reality. The Founding Fathers intended Congress to be like jury duty, not elected kings and queens. Do the job of representing the people and go home and do something actually productive to society. AKA stop interfering with everyday people and business. Stop hanging around Washington and making things up to pass into law just to look like you are doing something.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Go Save the Trees and STFU

If you're like me, you don't like other people telling you what to do. If you're going to tell me what to do, you better be paying me to do it. And even then I might decide it isn't particularly worth it.

I used to be a Democrat and left leaning in my thoughts and voting. That was when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. Then a funny thing happened. I had to graduate college and actually get a real job.

Turns out I don't like working all of Monday just to pay for stuff that other people think is important. That's bad enough. I don't want that to turn into Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. That is where we are headed every time we allow the government to get bigger and more expensive. And allowing this ObamaCare thing to become reality will pretty much get us there instantly.

And please don't tell me that Obama said only the rich will be paying (more) taxes. That's what the government said when trying to make the income tax permanently legal too. How's that working out?

So if you want to save the (trees, homeless, animals, whatever) go do it yourself. Donate your money, your time, and God bless you. But don't be sticking your grubby hands in MY pocket to fund your little projects, thanks. You spend your time and money on what you think is important and I'll spend my money on what I think is important. Like feeding my family.

In other words, don't expect to tell me what to do AND expect ME to pay YOU for it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quick Quiz

Okay we need to get something out of the way. A quiz as to whether you are a completely lost cause or not. Are you ready? It's quite easy. No cheating is allowed, now begin!

1) What is the scariest entity in the following list?

a) Big Oil

b) Big Pharmaceutical Companies

c) Big Retail

d) Big Government

Need a hint? Okay. Here's your hint: the correct answer isn't a, b or c.

For those of you that failed this simple quiz, please return to remedial history class concentrating your studies on early 20th century Europe, particularly Italy and Germany, to rectify your situational lack of sense.

I hear some of you crying "But Big Oil keeps making me pay more and more just to make my car go!"

And to you I say: "Yes, and every time you allow the government to get bigger, government makes you pay more and more in taxes, and they also can put you in jail if you don't do what they tell you to do. "

And when you insist on making government bigger by continuing to vote for the same politicians that want to expand government, there's more and more things they can tell you to do while all the while exempting themselves from it.